Description: Das Projekt "Risk evaluation of potential environmental hazards from low-energy electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure using sensitive in vitro methods" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von VERUM - Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt durchgeführt. Objective: Electromagnetic field (EMF) has become a topic of Europe-wide discussion. The latter has created uncertainty regarding possible adverse health effects for both the population and industry. Current research is characterized by conflicting data from epidemiological and animal studies, especially with respect to possible risk of cancer at different sites and neurological disorders. Clearly, mere continuation or replication of research, without introducing innovative concepts, will prolong the uncertainty as to whether EMFS do, or do not, represent a health risk. The results of this joint project, which will investigate molecular and functional responses of living cells to EMFS in vitro by applying state-of-the-art methods of molecular biology and toxicology, are needed urgently for molecular epidemiological studies, which are probably the only path to a reliable risk estimate for possible effects of EMFS on human health. Verum - Foundation for Behaviour and Environment; München; Germany.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: München ? Gen ? Genom ? Gesundheitsgefährdung ? Kanzerogenität ? Mutation ? Röntgenstrahlung ? Elektromagnetisches Feld ? Biologische Wirkung ? DNA ? Dosimetrie ? Folgeschaden ? Genetik ? Gesundheitsschaden ? Karzinogenese ? Rundfunk ? Vitamin ? Molekularbiologie ? Epidemiologische Studie ? Deregulation ? Ratte ? Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung ? Strahlenexposition ? Telekommunikation ? Expositionsdauer ? Wirtschaftspolitik ? Bestrahlung ? Studie ? Blut ? Kausalzusammenhang ? Krebserkrankung ? Epidemiologie ? Stand der Technik ? Standortwahl ? Krebsrisiko ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Management ? Tierversuch ? Toxikologie ? Toxikologische Bewertung ? Umweltgefährdung ? Mensch ? Daten ? Zelle ? pH-Wert ? Organisches Gewebe ? Menschliche Gesundheit ? in vitro ? Europa ? Protein ? Elektrosensibilität ? Mobilfunk ? Risiko ? Vorsorgeprinzip ? Population ? Krankheit ? Risikofaktor ? Verbraucherschutz ? Bevölkerung ? Chromosomenuntersuchung ? Gehirn ? In-Vivo ? Radikal [Chemie] ? SAR-Wert (Strahlenschutz) ? Chromosomen ? Zellteilung ?
Region: Bayern
Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2000-02-01 - 2004-05-31
Accessed 1 times.