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Consistent semiactive system control (CASCO)

Description: Das Projekt "Consistent semiactive system control (CASCO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von VCE Holding GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: An innovative method is required to notably reduce the annoyance of noise and vibration, at the same time minimizing energy consumption and material use. The goal in this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced materials (magnetorheological fluids) in damping elements. Rheological actuators are installed in critical locations throughout structures and along railway tracks. Thus, kinetic energy is dissipated locally before it is actually transferred to other structural components or the ground. As a consequence, the size of individual viscous dampers is reduced, allowing a more effective use of materials and minimisation of resource consumption. This innovative technology has the potential to increase the competitiveness of European industries and create employment. Achievements: Technical/Commercial Prototypes developed within the Project: -Prototype of the Cup-Spring Isolator; -Prototype of the magneto rheological actuator; - Prototype for the electronic circuit; -Prototype of a Hydraulic Actuator to mitigate Vibration of flexible Structures; Knowledge obtained within the Project: -Technical expertise needed to manufacture viscous and rheological actuators; -Viscous and rheological fluid technologie and their use in optimisation of actuator technologies; -Controllability assessment and procedure for actuator minimisation and placement; -Scientific know-how on functional mechanism and characteristics of semi-active control laws. During performing the project some additional interesting exploitable results were achieved: -On site test results of bridges and tunnels (mass-spring-system) which leads to high expertise in this topic; -Development of new damping elements which are not directly linked to the project; -Demonstration of noise and vibration dissemination of real structures.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Stoffliche Verwertung ? Schienenverkehrslärm ? Schlichtemittel ? Werkstoff ? Schall 03 ? Schienenweg ? Pflanzensamen ? Tunnel ? Brücke ? Brunnen ? Gebäude ? Hydraulik ? Lärmbelästigung ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Regeltechnik ? Widerspruchsverfahren ? Wirkung ? Industrie ? Erschütterung ? Energie ? Ressourcenverbrauch ? Bewertung ? Energieverbrauch ? Innovation ? Lärm ? Schienenfahrzeug ? Technik ? Technikfolgenabschätzung ? Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ? Wirkungsgrad ? Bedarf ? Gutachten ? Neuartige Materialien ? MECHANISMEN ? Bemessung ? ENTWICKLUNG ? BESTANDTEIL ? NEU ? EINSATZ ? BESCHAEFTIGUNG ? Netz ? ERGEBNIS ? POTENZIAL ? PROJEKT ? GROWTH ? SONSTIG ? STANDORT ? UNTERSUCHUNG ? VERBRAUCH ? Vermehrung ? WISSENSCHAFTLICH ? Zins ? HERSTELLUNG ? KONTROLLE ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2000-02-01 - 2003-03-31



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