Description: Das Projekt "Adaptations and counter-adaptations in the coevolutionary arms race of a baculovirus and its insect host" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Institut für Biologischen Pflanzenschutz durchgeführt. Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV, Baculoviridae) is one of the most important agents for the control of codling moth (CM, Cydia pomonella, L.) in both biological and integrated pest management. The rapid emergence of resistance against CpGV-M, which was observed in about 40 European CM field populations from 2003 on, could be traced back to a single, dominant, sex-linked gene. Since then, resistance management has been based on mixtures of new CpGV isolates (CpGV-I12, -S), which are able to overcome this resistance. Recently, resistance even to these novel isolates was observed in CM field populations. This resistance does not follow the described dominant, sex-linked inheritance trait. At the same time, another isolate CpGV-V15 was identified showing high virulence against these resistant populations. To elucidate this novel resistance mechanism and to identify the resistance gene(s) involved, we propose a comprehensive analysis of this resistance on the cellular and genomic level of codling moth. Because of the lack of previous knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of virus resistance in insects, several different and complementary approaches will be pursued. This study will not only give an in-depth insight into the genetic possibilities for development of baculovirus resistance in CM field populations and how the virus overcomes it, but can also serve as an important model for other baculovirus-host interaction systems.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Motte ? Gen ? Insekt ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Lack ? Kulturpflanze ? Apfelwickler ? Genetik ? Resistenz ? Pflanzensamen ? Bakulovirus ? Ackerland ? Geschlecht ? Management ? Integrierter Pflanzenschutz ? Stoffgemisch ? Studie ? Pathogenität ? Virus ? Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung ? Bevölkerung ? Population ? Gebiet ? ENTWICKLUNG ? SONSTIG ? VORSCHLAGEN ? WICHTIG ? KONTROLLE ? EIN ? MECHANISMEN ? MOEGLICHKEIT ? Mittel ? NEU ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2012-01-01 - 2025-02-04
Accessed 1 times.