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Stand-alone PV and wind power in Freiburg

Description: Das Projekt "Stand-alone PV and wind power in Freiburg" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Landesgartenschau Freiburg durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate that pv and wind generators can be used in a reliable way as stand-alone power supplies for various applications. The pv generator is used to power an Information Pavilion at an exhibition centre in Freiburg where technology transfer can be supported by the nearby Fraunhofer Institute. PV and wind powered water pumping are also being demonstrated in the exhibition centre. General Information: PV and wind power projects are installed as part of the Landesgartenschau Freiburg 1986 exhibition in Freiburg, to demonstrate that such systems are reliable and easy to install and operate. The water pumping system consists of two KSB Aquasol 50 L pumps with electronically commutated dc motors which are powered by 45 pv modules in 9 strings of 5 modules (rated array power 1710 Wp) and a wind generator rated at 600 W. The combined generator is connected to a battery bank operating in two strings at 64 V, 175 Ah capacity each to give 10 hours of continuous water pumping per day. The PV array is mounted on a 10 m mast, on the top of which is mounted a 12 bladed American wind generator. A reserve pump safeguards against stoppages due to pump failure. COST in ECU: actual 1990-re-build estimata PV components 30460 16100 Batteries 6479 6479 Conventional components 12862 12862 Construction 40300 25900 Project management 16800 7200 Total(for 1730 Wp system) 106901 68541 Cost per peak Watt (ECU/pW 62 40 Data were monitored in accordance with JRC Ispra Monitoring Guidelines. Readings were taken every two seconds and recorded by a data logger. A IBM-PC was used to read the memories and calculate the energy flow. Achievements: The system started operation as foreseen for the opening of the State Garden Show on April 18th, 1986 and operated on a manual basis until September 1986. In October 1986 the two years monitoring phase started and the system operated under automatic control. The monitoring data were sent to CCR/Ispra and were analysed there. During this two-year period 3401 kWh pv power were produced. For comparison: A rule of thumb says, that in central Europe a plant produces in the average the energy corresponding to the rated peak power multiplied by 10 per cent of the time. This rule would give for this 1.73 kW plant in 0.1-2x365x24 hours an energy of: 3031 kWh. Both pumps had to be replaced during the two year operation, one for electrical, the other one for sealing problems; they work without problems since the replacement. The data acquisition system worked perfectly. Concerning reliability of such a system, for instance for water supply in developing countries, it can be said, that skilled technical maintenance must be available, especially for the electronic regulation and the pumps. However technical simplifications could be applied to improve the reliability. Prime Contractor: Landesgartenschau Freiburg; Freiburg; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Freiburg ? Photovoltaikanlage ? Strömungsenergie ? Technologietransfer ? Windenergie ? Wind ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Windenergieleistung ? Batterie ? Stromerzeugung ? Stromgestehungskosten ? Kostenrechnung ? Mitteleuropa ? Monitoringdaten ? Alternativtechnologie ? Daten ? Energie ? Energiekosten ? Energietechnik ? Energieumwandlung ? Entwicklungsland ? Instandhaltung ? Modul ? Motor ? Pumpe ? Wasserversorgung ? Wirkungsgrad ? Wasser ? Gartenschau ? Pilotprojekt ? Datenerhebung ? Richtlinie ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Technische Aspekte ? Abdichtung ? Ausstellung ? Landesgartenschau ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1984-11-01 - 1988-09-30



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Accessed 1 times.