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Large area cadmium telluride electrodeposition for thin film solar cells

Description: Das Projekt "Large area cadmium telluride electrodeposition for thin film solar cells" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. General Information: The aim of this project is to develop further CdTe thin film technology and to drive the manufacturing costs for modules towards 1 ECU/Wp. Such cost targets are more easily achievable if the thin film material deposition can be scaled in size from 30 cm x 30 cm up to 60 cm x 120 cm which is an industrial objective. Thus the technical challenge is to develop and optimise large area chemical deposition methods for uniform CdS and-CdTe thin films capable of delivering large area CdTe cells with efficiencies over 8 per cent. This will require an increased fundamental understanding over the CdS/CdTe bulk material and cell properties and correlation of these to the large area deposition parameters. The objectives against the expected achievements are; - To develop, low cost, chemical methods for the deposition of large area (up to 60 cm x 120cm), uniform, CdS and CdTe thin films with solar conversion efficiencies higher than 8 per cent over the entire area. - To develop high conductivity fine line printed wires on large area tin oxide coated glass to improve the lack of conductivity for electroplating. - To develop a process for the integration of printed fine line wires on TO/glass with the large area cell interconnection. - To develop formulation chemistry for the fast electro deposition of CdTe. - To increase fundamental understanding of materials and cell operation in order to control large area thin film deposition and cell fabrication. Initially conducting fine lines (200 m wide, 60 cm long) on large area tin oxide coated glass, with good precision, will be developed. The synthesis of inks and pastes will be necessary to tailor material properties to suit TO/glass substrate and chemical deposition systems. The fine lines are expected to be alkali solution resistant (or encapsulated) for the CdS CBD process. Subsequently, large area CdTe electro deposition from an aqueous solution will be optimised. Characterisation of material properties and cell performance is expected to help control deposition and post-deposition annealing parameters for uniform performance; Cell and sub-module stability will be monitored. The summary of the partners in this project are; BP Solar, Europe's leading PV manufacturing company, PHILIPS (CFT) one of Europe's leading centre for manufacturing technologies, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chime Analytique de Paris (ENSCP), world leaders in the chemical bath deposition of II-VI materials, Fraunhofer Institude (ISE) one of the Europe's leading PV institutes, Institut für Neu Materials (INM) one of Europe's leading research institutes in composit material science and technology, EC's research center at Ispra (JRC), Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Industrielle Forschung (AFIF)-ETH tecnopark, an industrial research expert. They are going to join their R and D efforts to develop large area CdS and CdTe thin film deposition methods and cell fabrication technology. Prime Contractor: BP Solar Ltd.; Sunbury on Thames;


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Zinn ? Lack ? Paris ? Dünnschichtsolarzelle ? Cadmiumtellurid ? Oxid ? Solarzelle ? Anfechtung ? Marketing ? Solartechnik ? Chemikalien ? Energiesystem ? Energietechnik ? Galvanik ? Industrielle Forschung ? Kostensenkung ? Leitfähigkeit ? Produktionskosten ? Werkstoffkunde ? Deposition ? Schüttgut ? Chemische Base ? Europa ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Technische Aspekte ? Effizienzsteigerung ? Energiespeicherung ? CdTe-Dünnfilmtechnologien ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1997-05-01 - 2000-04-30



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