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High energy density sorption heat storage for solar space heating

Description: Das Projekt "High energy density sorption heat storage for solar space heating" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von U.F.E. SOLAR Uckermark GmbH durchgeführt. General Information/Objectives of the Project: A primary technical obstacle to a wider use of regenerative energies, especially solar energy, for heating purposes is an adequate storage technology for low-temperature heat. Therefore, in this project a heat storage system based on solid sorption technology will be developed with the following objectives: 1. Development of a prototype series of the solid sorption heat storage system, with energy densities, four to five times higher than water (at AT=50 K), being suitable for the long-term storage of low-temperature heat. 2. Testing of these prototypes in the application of seasonal storage of solar thermal energy for space heating purposes under different climatic and system conditions. 3. Optimization of sorption materials for low-temperature heat storage applications by specific modifications of the material properties. TECHNICAL APPROACH The system consists of a series of independent storage units (modules), which will be industrially prefabricated and combined to a suitable system on the location. The working programme of the project will be split into the following steps: 1. Material research for an Optimisation of the sorption materials. 2. Development and construction of prototype storage modules. Test of experimental units at the Solar House, Freiburg, Germany. 3. System integration and one-year monitoring of the prototype modules for solar space heating under different climatic and system conditions in Austria and Finland. In both cases the objective is to meet the entire heating demand with regenerative sources, whereas solar energy plays the primary role and different regenerative back-up systems will be studied. Assessment of the results from the system monitoring and feedback on the design of the storage modules. Expected Achievements: 1. Development of an adequate technical solution to the heat storage problem, which may be extended to other applications, like industrial waste heat recovery, combination with small CHP systems or solar cooling. 2. Introduction of a new heat storage system for solar space heating with an energy density which allows seasonal storage of the entire heating energy demand of low-energy buildings in a common basement room under Central or Northern European climatic conditions. Improvement of know-how in solid sorption technology in basic fields, such as adaptation of material properties to the desired application or technical solutions to enhance heat and mass transfer, which will also be useful for non-storage applications, like chemical heat pumps and heat transformation systems for heating and cooling. An advanced heat storage system is considered to be crucial for a broader dissemination of solar energy for space heating leading to the stimulation of the solar thermal market. Prime Contractor: UFE Solar GmbH; Eberswalde; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Freiburg ? Solarthermieanlage ? Finnland ? Solarthermie ? Raumwärme ? Solarenergie ? Solarhaus ? Wärmerückgewinnung ? Wohngebäude ? Österreich ? Industrieabwärme ? Sorptionswärmespeicher ? Wärmebedarf ? Gebäude ? Kies ? Materialprüfung ? Solartechnik ? Verfahrensoptimierung ? Wärmeübertrager ? Wärmepumpe ? Wärmespeicher ? Kühlgerät ? Mitteleuropa ? Nordeuropa ? Sorption ? Energietechnik ? Kühlsystem ? Langzeitspeicherung ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Chemikalien ? Solare Kühlung ? Standortbewertung ? Splitt ? Kühlung ? Produktdesign ? Heizung ? Prototyp ? Eignungsfeststellung ?

Region: Brandenburg

Bounding boxes: 6.14466° .. 6.14466° x 50.69716° .. 50.69716°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1998-07-01 - 2001-06-30



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Accessed 1 times.