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Einsatz geothermaler Energie in der Fernwaermeversorgung - Elektrizitaetserzeugung - (Stufe 2)

Description: Das Projekt "Einsatz geothermaler Energie in der Fernwaermeversorgung - Elektrizitaetserzeugung - (Stufe 2)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Energie- und Wasserversorgung Bruchsal GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The ultimate aim of the project is twofold: to utilise geothermal energy for the heating supply of sports, industrial facilities and a residential area, and to generate electricity using an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The specific aim of phase 4 is to drill the Bruchsal 2 Well and evaluate results of well measurements, hydrochemical analysis and pumping tests. Total annual energy savings are projected at 1,015 TOE and the payback, 21 years. General Information: This is a continuation of the Bruchsal project already supported by EEC contracts DG XII A2/060 and DG XVII GE/70/81. The project will be continued by connecting both well to simulate an exchange system, measuring the injection capacity of both wells and performing an inference test (see GE/261/85). Analysis of the results of the successful Bruchsal 1 Well (pump assisted flow-rate 54-72 m3/h; well head temperature 102 C) led to the drilling of a reinjection well (Bruchsal 2) because of the high saline brine encountered (up to 130 g/l) and to maintain reservoir pressure. The wells are located 1,200 m apart. Bruchsal 2 was drilled to a final depth of 2,542 m and is composed of 4 sections: - 13 5/8' casing from surface to 844 m; - 9 5/8' cemented casing from 200 m to 2,025 m; - 7' inserted casing from 1,826 m to 2,251 m; - 5' screen from 2,200 m to 2,535 m. In the section 0-150 m a protective string was hung in the well. Achievements: Preliminary analysis suggests Bruchsal 2 will have a yield superior to Bruchsal 1. The last three pumping tests (during which samples were taken for chemical, isotopic and gas analysis) showed the following characteristics: - 80 m3/h flow-rate; - water level 8 m below the surface; - 120 C reservoir temperature; - 108 C well head temperature The red sandstone aquifer will provide +- 5,000 MWh including a possible electric power generation of 250 KW. During drilling high mud losses occurred in both the Bunter and Permian formations. The main production potential is in the Permian formation and a maximum of 80 m3/h at 114 C has been recorded at the surface, corresponding to 123 C in the reservoir. Test evaluation shows a hydraulic link between wells 1 and 2 but no limit in the aquifer due however to the reaction time of the water level in GB1 when pumping in GB2 or any short hydraulic connection can be predicted in either well. All pumping tests and water analysis carried out since March 1985 have to be analysed (see GE/261/85).


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Schluckbrunnen ? Geothermie ? Gasanalyse ? Sportanlage ? Temperaturverteilung ? Wärmeversorgung ? Brunnen ? Alternative Energie ? Amortisation ? Anlagenoptimierung ? Chemische Analyse ? Stromerzeugung ? Energetische Verwertung ? Forschungsförderung ? Hydraulik ? Isotopentechnik ? Nachwachsender Rohstoff ? ORC-Prozess ? Organisches Material ? Verfahrensparameter ? Wärme ? Wohngebiet ? Europäische Union ? Salzgehalt ? Grundwasserleiter ? Fließgeschwindigkeit ? Strömungsmechanik ? Analyseverfahren ? Geophysik ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Wasserversorgung ? Wirkungsgrad ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Hydrochemie ? Industrieanlage ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiegewinnung ? Pumpe ? Energienutzung ? Bohrung ? Physikalische Größe ? Schlammbildung ? Wassermenge ? Austauschprozess ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1984-10-01 - 1987-03-31



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