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STandard Analysis supporting smart eneRgy GRID development (STARGRID)

Description: Das Projekt "STandard Analysis supporting smart eneRgy GRID development (STARGRID)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik (IWES) - Institutsteil Kassel durchgeführt. With the advent of Smart Grids the development and adoption of standards ensuring interoperability and security become of utmost importance in the field of electricity networks. The STARGRID project has been initiated by the European Commission in 2012 to provide a clear overview of the current Smart Grid standardisation activities, to lay down requirements and evaluation criteria for Smart Grid standards, and to work out recommendations on the future strategy of the Commission on this topic. A particular focus of the project is on industry requirements. The STARGRID project aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of Smart Grid standardisation procedures and to critically assess the large and complex standardisation landscape on Smart Grids at international level, including the industry new developments and initiatives in this field. - The standards analysis to be accomplished during the project will consider the available results of the Smart Grid Coordination Group (SGCG) and other groups. Despite this, the STARGRID Consortium will provide a view independent from interest of those stakeholders (utilities, large manufacturers,...) participating in the standardisation committees or coordination groups. STARGRID will incorporate the view and opinion of the industry about the smart grid standards, extending the scope beyond the EU 'Smart Grid Mandate' M490. - Many experts are convinced that the main obstacle for turning the Smart Grid into reality will not be the lack of applicable and mature standards but the adoption and implementation across the broad range of technologies concerned. With many projects already underway and a wide range of technical and business scenarios discussed, there seems to be a lack of standards awareness. STARGRID interaction with industry aims to mitigate this barrier for smart grids effective deployment. - The described concept of the STARGRID proposal is implemented through the following specific objectives of the project: - Compile, organise and distil both existing standardisation documents and industry initiatives information on smart grids at international level, to establish the State of the Art in this field. - Analysis of the gathered material according to a defined methodology and criteria. - Incorporation to the assessment process of the view of the industry of both power and ICT sectors by means of interviews, workshops, fair visits, etc. - Dissemination of the analysis results, conclusions and recommendations to the industry, standardisation organisation and to the European Commission.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Intelligentes Stromnetz ? Kassel ? Lack ? Stromnetz ? Critical Level ? Europäische Kommission ? Elektrizität ? Stromversorgung ? Windenergie ? Interview ? Szenario ? Industrie ? Interessenausgleich ? Energieinfrastruktur ? Bewertung ? Bewertungskriterium ? Energie ? Energieplanung ? Energiepolitik ? Energietechnik ? Interessenvertreter ? Stand der Technik ? Versorgungsunternehmen ? Landschaft ? Sicherheit ? Standardisierung ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Workshop ? Eichung ? Interoperabilität ? Wechselwirkung ? Antragsrecht ? Werkzeug ? FP7-ICT ? Handlungsbeteiligter ? Inkorporation ?

Region: Hessen

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2012-10-01 - 2015-01-31




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Accessed 1 times.