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Integrierte Klimarisikobewertung (ICRA)

Description: Das Projekt "Integrierte Klimarisikobewertung (ICRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz, Abteilung Humanökologie durchgeführt. In order to tackle such complex environmental problems as climate change, an integration of relevant knowledge from the diverse realms of natural and social science is required. This is the task of integrated assessment (IEA). This project will develop and apply a procedure for integrated assessments that makes use of two tools, namely computer models and focus groups. The project will use computer models as input into focus groups. Scientific knowledge about climate change will be conveyed to the focus groups by means of documents and models, mostly prepared within the CLEAR process. Climate risk and climate policy judgements will be formed through a social discourse between informed laypeople. They will draw on both scientific knowledge and social knowledge. The inclusion of social knowledge into the assessment process will situate the procedure at the interface of science and society. The IEA-methodology will be applied in order (1) to investigate the role of uncertainty for integrated judgements, (2) to help computer modellers tune their models to the needs of users, (3) to test the social acceptance of likely measures before implementation, (4) to study public concern about climate risk and the formation of political willingness to take action in the light of innovative policy and business opportunities. This project is the platform project of CLEAR II. It will integrate CLEAR research activities in two ways. First, by feeding their results (especially with the help of computer models) into an integrated assessment process. Secondly, by offering feedback on this process to the various projects.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Humanökologie ? Abwasserreinigung ? Ordnungsrecht ? Demokratie ? Innovationspolitik ? Software ? Klimarisikoanalyse ? Durchführungsverordnung ? Öffentliche Maßnahme ? Risikoanalyse ? Sozialforschung ? Studie ? Wasserversorgung ? Gewässerschutz ? Klimapolitik ? Modellierung ? Klimarisiko ? Sozialwissenschaft ? Gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte ? Klimawandel ? Klimaentwicklung ? Umweltpolitik ? Willensbildungsprozess ? computer models ? focus groups ? intgrated assessment ? risk cultures ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1996-01-01 - 1999-12-31



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