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Bau einer Kapillar-Sperre fuer das Oberflaechenabdichtungssystem einer Deponie

Description: Das Projekt "Bau einer Kapillar-Sperre fuer das Oberflaechenabdichtungssystem einer Deponie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Landkreis Leer, Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb durchgeführt. As have been amply demonstrated by a number of scientific investigations, capillary barriers are an efficient type of sealing system that can be used as a final cover on landfills and remediation sites. This pilot project, covering two hectares of a sloping section of the landfill at Breinermoor in the German state of Lower Saxony, is set up to demonstrate that large-scale capillary barriers will be technologically feasible in a number of landfills in various locations. A capillary barrier consists of two sloping layers. Fine-grained sand is used in the capillary layer, which overlies a coarse-grained layer (the capillary block). The capillary barrier is an innovative sealing system which exploits the fact that a layer of fine sand has become highly saturated with water from above. Capillary forces counteract the power of gravity and prevent the water in the capillary layer from seeping down into the capillary block. Instead, the water is held just above the interface between the two layers and runs off laterally into a ditch containing a drain at the foot of the slope. In suitable applications, and given the correct choice of materials, a capillary block will provide an efficient surface seal.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Niedersachsen ? Gerinne ? Altsand ? Kapillarität ? Robbe ? Graben ? Deponie ? Sickerwasser ? Sand ? Deponieabdeckung ? Energie ? Innovation ? Standortwahl ? Wassergehalt ? Deponiesanierung ? Deponieabdichtung ? Pilotprojekt ? Abdichtung ? Hang ? Deponie-Breinermoor ? Feinsand ? Grobsand ? Kapillar-Barriere ?

Region: Niedersachsen

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1996-12-01 - 2001-11-30



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