Description: Das Projekt "Energy saving processes for production of structure porous foamed ceramics for high and low temperature insulation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ströher GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is the construction of a demonstration plant for the economical manufacture of foamed ceramic products of porous structure. The innovation consists in a new type of process for the manufacture of foamed ceramic products of porous structure, which considerably reduces the energy and manufacturing costs of this product and thus enables the inexpensive use of this material for insulating purposes in the low temperature range (external insulation for buildings) and the high temperature range (e.g. refractory insulation for firing systems). General Information: The new manufacturing process features two essential improvements. In the traditional process the foamed formation of the ceramic body is achieved by the addition of combustible materials (e.g. carbon sawdust) in conjuction with a firing operation. The new process employs a highly reactive foaming agent as the additive in a temperature and pressure controlled shaping plant. This means that not only is foam formation achieved without firing, but at the same time a solid surface is obtained with a porous and lightweight interior. Two firing process needed hitherto for the production of foamed ceramic materials are reduced to a single process. The second improvement is that the kilns normally employed, in which as well as the ware the same mass of kiln furniture had also to be heated up, have been replaced by a roller kiln, in which no kilm furniture is required. The use of this kiln for the new process, apart from the energy saving by having only a single firing, also achieves further energy conservation because kiln furniture of altogether 18.6 CJ/t to 7 - 8 CJ/t is not necessary. By the production of foamed ceramic material of porous structure, making allowance for the attainable market potential, a saving of 760,000 t ROE per annum is obtained compared with conventional insulating materials. The potential saving to be achieved by the improvement is an attractive economic proposition for refurbishment, may be estimated at approximately 946,000 t ROE per annum as secondary saving. The total saving potential amounts to appro. 1.71 million ROE per annum. Achievements: The trial run showed that after considerable 'teething troubles' it was possible to achieve the objective, although with some modification. The main problems consist in the mixing process of the raw material and in the shaping area. A solution was attempted by means of additional operations with a return to smaller batches. This means that more time and additional financial outlay may be expected. The target field of application specified in the Project, owing to strong interest in the Project, has been extended to include other potential applications. It will eventually be possible to transfer it easily to other interest parties; modifications may be expected due to specific operating conditions e.g. raw materials bases. The product is not yet available as a market commodity.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Dämmstoff ? Keramik ? Main ? Fassadendämmung ? Brennstoff ? Weiterverwendung ? Keramikindustrie ? Kohlenstoff ? Pflanzensamen ? Temperaturabhängigkeit ? Wärmedämmung ? Zusatzstoff ? Schaumbildner ? Verbrennungstechnik ? Gebäude ? Kostensenkung ? Neuanlage ? Produktionskosten ? Produktionstechnik ? Rohstoff ? Rohstoffmarkt ? Energiespeicher ? Energieverbrauch ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Außenbereich ? Brennofen ? Minderungspotenzial ? Energie ? Energieeinsparung ? Kontrollsystem ? Energietransport ? Produktdesign ? Versuchsanlage ? Innenraum ? Isolierung ? Porosität ? renewable sources of energy ? Brennraum ?
Region: Hessen
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1987-03-01 - 1989-08-31
Accessed 1 times.