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Further treatment of digested blackwater for extraction of valuable components and conversion to dry matter

Description: Das Projekt "Further treatment of digested blackwater for extraction of valuable components and conversion to dry matter" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. Phosphorus and nitrogen are valuable and should not be wasted or even worse recycled to the environment. An important resource in the sludge is nutrients which can be utilized through using sludge as fertilizer in the agriculture. Wastewater and excreta contain valuable nutrients that can be used in agriculture and aquaculture. Most of the nutrients, like phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N), that a person consumes end up in the excreta. Nutrients are needed in developing countries as much as developed ones. Therefore, they should not be wasted. In nature there is no waste, all products of living things are used as raw materials by others (Esrey et al, 1998). Ecological sanitation systems (also called ecosan') are closed-loop systems, which treat human excreta as a resource. In this system, excreta are processed on site until they are free of pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms. Afterwards, sanitized excreta are recycled by using them for agricultural purposes. Key features of ecosan are therefore: - prevention of pollution and disease caused by human excreta; - treatment of human excreta as a resource rather than as a waste product; and - recovery and recycling of the nutrients. The problem of nutrient recovery from municipal sewage or excess sludge is not a new problem. In the literature, several papers have addressed the recovery of ammonia or phosphate from industrial and domestic wastewater, but not much with black water. So far many attempts have been made to control the process of self-deposition and recover nutrients as a fertilizer, which can be used directly for agricultural purposes as ecological sanitation advises. The aim of this research project is to find out further treatment methods of digested black water for extraction of valuable nutrients and convert them to dry matter and find solutions for dense urban areas and make usable compounds easier transportable.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Recycling ? Ammonium ? Ammoniak ? Bodennährstoff ? Bodenstickstoff ? Phosphat ? Stickstoff ? Düngemittel ? Nährstoff ? Phosphor ? Häusliches Abwasser ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Reststoff ? Schlamm ? Kommunales Abwasser ? Ackerboden ? Abwasserwirtschaft ? Abfall ? Abwasser ? Bewässerung ? Bodenqualität ? Bodenlösung ? Bodenorganismen ? Entwicklungsland ? Rechtsverfahren ? Infektionskrankheit ? Rohstoff ? Vorkaufsrecht ? Gewässerschutz ? Wasser ? Boden ? Aquakultur ? Forschungsprojekt ? Landwirtschaft ? Organismen ? Produkt ? Ressource ? Bedarf ? Urbaner Raum ? Umweltschutz ? Kontrolle ? Industrieland ? Krankheitsursache ? Kreislauf ? Sicherheitsüberprüfung ? Projektstudium ? Aufbereiteter Boden ? Verarbeiten ? Bodenextraktion ? Methode ? Gewinnung ? Neuartige Sanitärsysteme ? Vorgang ? Zweckbestimmung ? ein- ? Ablagerung ? Literatur ? frei ? Lösung ? industriell ? sonstig ? wichtig ? Steuerung ?

Region: Hamburg

Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2006-02-01 - 2009-03-31



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