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Biologische Entgiftung von Fumonisinen

Description: Das Projekt "Biologische Entgiftung von Fumonisinen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Department für Agrarbiotechnologie, IFA-Tulln, Institut für Umweltbiotechnologie durchgeführt. The overall aim of this project is to find microorganisms or specific enzymes which are able to degrade and detoxify fumonisins, a recently found class of mycotoxins. Such microorganisms or enzymes should then be used as part of a feed additive which manages the degradation of these toxins in the intestinal tract of animals during feed digestion. The major project phase is the screening for such fumonisin degrading microorganisms or enzymes. In first place these organisms should be newly isolated strains out of various habitats, but also strain collections are investigated as well as commercially available enzymes. Characterisation of newly found microorganisms via morphological, physiological and molecular biological methods represents another phase within this project. The third major project phase includes the development of appropriate analytical methods for analysis of samples from degradation experiments out of various different matrices. HPLC, ELISA and LC-MS methods are investigated. The characterisation of metabolites evolving during the microbial and/or enzymatic degradation of fumonisins is defined as a working package as well. In order to show the real detoxification of fumonisin B1 by the microorganisms (or enzymes) several different toxicity test-systems (cell-culture assays, bioassays)are under investigation.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Wien ? Abfallsammlung ? Faulung ? Mykotoxin ? Zusatzstoff ? Brunnen ? Toxin ? Bodenmikroorganismen ? Entgiftung ? Enzym ? Habitat ? Stoffwechselprodukt ? Agrarbiotechnologie ? Biologische Sicherheit ? Bestimmungsmethode ? Biotest ? Bodenorganismen ? Bodenprobe ? Zelle ? Tier ? Abbau ? Arbeit ? Ernährung ? Organismen ? Verpackung ? Sicherheitsanalyse ? Abbaubarkeit im Boden ? Siebung ? unter ? verfügbar ? Experiment ? Teil ? Methode ? Bodenbeschaffenheit, Gütekriterien ? Untersuchung ? Ableitung ? Verdauung ? abholen ? Probe ? Projekt ? biologisch ? gebraucht ? neu ? spezifisch ? Sicherungsanordnung ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2001-11-01 - 2003-09-30



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