Description: Das Projekt "Development of a new low-NOx/low-CO pellet boiler technology with integrated concept for the reduction of fine particulate emissions" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Prozess- und Partikeltechnik durchgeführt. Since 1996, when pellet boilers have been offered for the first time in Austria, a steady increase of the number of annually installed boilers has been recognised. High operation comfort as well as availability have made pellets boilers the preferred technology for biomass based residential heating systems. Although the operation comfort of pellet boilers is high and, compared to heating oil and natural gas, the total costs of the systems are low, a tough competition on the residential heating market between biomass based and fossil fuel based systems, prevails. To successfully compete with fossil fuel fired systems, the emissions of pellet boilers (gaseous emissions as well as particulate emissions) have to be further reduced. With commonly applied pellet boiler technologies a further reduction of the emission is only possible to a small extent since existing optimisation potentials have already been utilised. Therefore, the project proposed aims at the development of a new generation of pellet boilers, the so called Pelletvergaserkessel 2010 (pellet gasification boiler 2010). With this totally new technology a new state-of-the-art concerning the thermal utilisation of wood pellets shall be introduced which distinguishes itself by significantly reduced emissions (CO less than 20 mg/Nm3, TOC less than 1 mg/Nm3, Nox less than 70 mg/Nm3, dust less than 5 mg/Nm3) as well as a broad range of woody biomass pellets which can be used as fuels (softwood, hardwood, wood with bark, short rotation wood). To reach this aim in a quick and secure way, the methodology applied is based on traditional experimental development work (prototype testing) as well as on the application of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamcis) simulations for the evaluation and optimisation of the new concepts. Due to the competent consortium (a well experienced boiler manufacturer cooperates with two highly experienced scientific partners in the field of thermo-chemical biomass conversion) as well as the extensive application of simulation methods (CFD) representing the present state-of-research, it shall be possible to achieve the overall aim of the project, which is the development of the Pelletvergaserkessel 2010 within the next 3.5 years.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Holzpellets ? Fossiler Brennstoff ? Brennstoff ? Staubemission ? Brunnen ? Laubholz ? Weichholz ? Österreich ? Gasmarkt ? Feinstaub ? Heizöl ? Partikelemission ? Stickoxide ? Vergasung ? Holz ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Graz ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Agrarholz ? Ackerland ? Bewertung ? Chemikalien ? Emission ? Emissionsminderung ? Simulation ? Staat ? Stand der Technik ? Technik ? Vorkaufsrecht ? Minderungspotenzial ? REACH ? Holzbiomasse ? Kessel ? Heizung ? Gebiet ? Arbeit ? Kosten ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Biomasse ? Markt ? Feuerung ? Forschung ? Gasförmiger Schadstoff, Schadstoffemission ? Verfügbarkeit ? Ableitung ? Verringerung ? Verwertung ? angewandt ? ausgewählt ? bestehend ? gebraucht ? kurz ? neu ? thermisch ? vergleichen ? wissenschaftlich ? Gegenwart ? Geisteswissenschaften ? Hartholz ? Länder ? Methode ? Methodik ? Nutzung ? Projekt ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2006-01-01 - 2009-06-30
Accessed 1 times.