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Action Plan for high-priority renewable Energy initiatives in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Area (REMAP)

Description: Das Projekt "Action Plan for high-priority renewable Energy initiatives in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Area (REMAP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Observatoire Mediterraneen de l'Energie durchgeführt. The objectives of the REMAP project are to work with key stakeholders in order to achieve the following objectives: Compilation of a solar and wind energy resource atlas for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean area. Identifying and prioritising potential demonstration sites for wind and concentrated solar projects in Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan and Turkey. Recording a set of commitments to be made by major stakeholders to push forward a few wind and concentrated solar thermal energy projects in the region. Proposing a credible financing scheme for the identified priority renewable demonstration projects in the region. Elaborating an action plan for a few well identified initiatives able to be implemented. Disseminating the results of the project to as wide an audience in Europe and the Mediterranean region as possible. The REMAP project team is uniquely qualified to achieve these objectives representing all major geographic, sectoral and stakeholder areas necessary to achieve these targets. The team is multidisciplinary, covering sociological, local and national policy, scientific, technology development, investment and energy deployment disciplines in the region concerned by this project. Hence, the project represents the partners own objectives, and covers various aspects of work they are engaged in or wish to engage in to promote renewable energy development and investment in the Mediterranean region. The partners, who represent each of the stakeholder groups identified by the REMAP consortium belong to a wide range of European and international networks from which they can draw considerable support and experience, on the one hand, and into which they can disseminate the results of the project, and promote its approaches, methodologies and frameworks, on the other. Dissemination and promotion of results are essential to help achieve Community and neighbouring state targets, and are two of the key objectives of the project.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Jordan ? Solarthermie ? Solarenergie ? Windenergie ? Wind ? Brunnen ? Algerien ? Türkei ? Erneuerbare Energie ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Werbung ? Wissenschaftspolitik ? Nationale Politik ? Staatenvereinigung ? Energie ? Energietechnik ? Interessenvertreter ? Standortwahl ? Energieressourcen ? Europa ? Aktionsplan ? Abdeckung ? Arbeit ? Finanzierung ? Investition ? Ressource ? Antragsrecht ? Bodenbedeckung [Abdeckung] ? FP6-POLICIES ? Konzentrat ? Sicherungsanordnung ? Werkzeug ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2007-01-01 - 2008-12-31



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