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Technologies enhancement for clean combustion in aero-engines (TECC-AE)

Description: Das Projekt "Technologies enhancement for clean combustion in aero-engines (TECC-AE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. Due to continuous efforts through past and ongoing European projects, lean combustion by means of internally staged injectors now appears to be the promising technology for obtaining the required emission reductions compatible with a sustainable growth of aviation transport. (cf ACARE 2020). Recognising that putting into service such a technology as soon as possible is the only way to effectively reduce the aviation environmental impact, TECC-AE addresses some unavoidable issues in order to: - Solve the main limitations identified during past and ongoing projects appearing when lean combustion is pushed toward its maximum potential about NOx emissions reduction. In particular, TECC-AE will a) Provide full combustor operability in terms of ignition, altitude relight and weak extinction performance b) Suppress the occurrence of thermo-acoustic instabilities by reducing the combustor sensitivity to unsteady features to a level such instabilities will not happen - Ensure injection system robustness with respect to coking that can appears during transient operations of the engine. - Optimise the combustion system s operational and environmental performance through all the flight phases - Develop, demonstrate and validate design rules, CFD capabilities and scaling laws. Prime Contractor: SNECMA SA; Paris; France.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Hirsch ? Main ? Paris ? NOx-Emission ? Akustik ? Umweltauswirkung ? Frankreich ? Emissionsminderungstechnik ? Stickoxide ? Umweltleistung ? Verbrennung ? Emissionsminderung ? Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik ? Umweltschutzauflage ? Maschine ? Luftfahrt ? Umweltschutz ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Technische Aspekte ? Aerospace Technology ? Zündung ? injector ? innovative combustor ? lean burn ? lean combustion ? staged injection system ?

Region: Brandenburg

Bounding boxes: 6.14466° .. 6.14466° x 50.69716° .. 50.69716°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-07-01 - 2012-06-30



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Accessed 1 times.