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Kompetenznetzwerk Genomforschung an Bakterien für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Biotechnologie, Cluster C. glutamicum (an der Universität Bielefeld) - Regulation des Phosphat-Stoffwechsels in C. glutamicum und Lipid-Synthese: Identifizierung von Regulatoren und regulatorischen Metaboliten

Description: Das Projekt "Kompetenznetzwerk Genomforschung an Bakterien für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Biotechnologie, Cluster C. glutamicum (an der Universität Bielefeld) - Regulation des Phosphat-Stoffwechsels in C. glutamicum und Lipid-Synthese: Identifizierung von Regulatoren und regulatorischen Metaboliten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Biotechnologie 1 durchgeführt. Phosphorous (P) is an essential component of all cells. P assimilation occurs mainly in the form of phosphate via the reactions of the energy and carbon metabolism. Therefore, the P metabolism is closely intertwined with the energy and the central carbon metabolism: only with sufficient P supply an optimal energy and carbon metabolism is possible. As the latter generates precursor metabolites for the biosynthesis of amino acids, the interplay of P and C metabolism is of particular importance in amino acid producing Corynebacterium glutamicum. The Institute of Biotechnology 1 at the Research Center Jülich successfully worked on the biochemical and genetic characterisation of the main amino acid biosynthesis pathways in C. glutamicum as well as on the central carbon metabolism. Moreover, using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies and stable isotope labeling techniques, in vivo activities of single enzymes and pathways were quantified. These informations were used to optimize amino acid production with C. glutamicum (metabolic design, Sahm et al. 2000). Within the project, the P metabolism and its regulation shall be characterized in depth using the genome sequence of C. glutamicum. The phosphate stimulon of C. glutamicum will be defined using DNA microarray technology. Among this group of genes showing differential expression in dependence of phosphate availability, genes of the energy and central carbon metabolism will be of particular interest. In Jülich, the equipment for the generation and application of DNA microarrays is available as well as expertise to use this key technology for genome-wide expression analyses in E. coli (Zimmer et al. 2000). A parallel approach will focus on unraveling the molecular mechanism(s) of phosphate regulation with particular emphasis on two-component regulatory sytems, which in E. coli and B. subtilis play central roles in this regulation. Regarding the analysis of genetic regulatory mechanisms, extensive experience has been gained for the genetic and biochemical characterization of two-component sytems in enterobacteria (Kaspar et al. 1999).


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Bielefeld ? Jülich ? Main ? Tierhaltungsanlage ? Aminosäure ? Genom ? Phosphat ? Phosphorsäureester ? DNA ? Enterobakterien ? Genetik ? Kohlenstoff ? Lipid ? Phosphor ? Brunnen ? Vorläufersubstanz ? Enzym ? Regulierung ? Stoffwechselprodukt ? Unfallverhütungsvorschrift ? Bakterien ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Isotop ? Biosynthese ? Biotechnologie ? Energie ? Gerätesicherheit ? Kerntechnik ? Studie ? Synthese ? Technik ? Zelle ? DNA-Analyse ? Wertermittlung ? Assimilation ? EMAS-Privilegierungs-Verordnung ? Forschung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Gutachten ? Landwirtschaft ? Sicherheitsvorschrift ? Stoffwechsel ? Verfahren ? Arbeit ? Produktion ? Projekt ? Bezug ? Sequenzierung ? Beschreibung ? Annäherung ? Betriebsvorschrift ? Show ? Hochschule ? Formblätter ? Stall ? Verfügbarkeit ? Verordnung [EG] Nr. 166/2006 ? Markierung ? Mechanismen ? Zins ? verfügbar ? Ausrüstung ? Pfad ? Assimilation [Biologie] ? Resonanz ? Gruppe ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2006-01-01 - 2009-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.