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Combined use of hot deep-water at the location of Blumeau/Steiermark-AT

Description: Das Projekt "Combined use of hot deep-water at the location of Blumeau/Steiermark-AT" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rogner GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The primary aim of the project is the reduction of the ejection of pollutants and protect of the environment. This reduction of pollutant ejections should be achieved by the substitution of the existing oil heating plant and because the municipality of Blumau wants to supply several buildings with geothermal heat also. Besides a great amount of the current-consumption of the hotel and the thermal spa should be met by the own generation of current planed in this project. The energy coming from the temperature of the thermal water on the lowest level should be used for agriculture applications. Especially in this region with structural problems the use of renewable energies with its great public acceptance shall be the basic for the creation of a lasting tourism industry. By the combined use of this thermal water with a lot of gas in it which is similar to the hot ground water you find in the south of Europe the dissemination of this technology in other countries of the EU should be realized. In general the economic and social cohesion of the European Community should be strengthened by participation of several companies from different countries in the project. General Information: WIth this installation the combined use of thermal water out of the 'Fürstenfelder Becken' should be demonstrated. In the first step the heat of the water on the highest temperature level will be used for the generation of current. In Blumau a reworked orc-installation which can also use low enthalpies will be taken. A prototype of this organic rankine cycle was developed by the held of EU-grants. With the help of an organic working fluid which has a lower evaporation point than water a turbine will be moved. The temperature in the condenser will be about 80 degree C. In the following step heat on a middle temperature level shall be taken for the heating of several buildings of the hotel-complex, the thermal spa and also some buildings of the municipality of Blumau. In this part of the power-heating-plant the thermal water will be cooled from about 80 degree C down to 50 degree C. Then the water will be used for the heat supply of agriculture applications like greenhouses or drying processes and for fish farming. For the last utilization of the water a portion of the cooled down water can be taken out of the circulation for a material utilization. Before re-inject the water data about the water compound will be measured and when it is necessary to add some carbonic acid gas to avoid lime fall outs because of the warming up of the thermal water during re-injection a special installation will do that. The recorded data can be used for the planning of a installation for the material utilization of the water. .. Prime Contractor: Rogner GmbH; Villach; Austria.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Villach ? Steiermark ? Geothermie ? Heizkraftwerk ? Heizwerk ? Kohlensäure ? Kühlwasser ? Gewächshaus ? Wärmeversorgung ? Wassertemperatur ? Gewässerdaten ? Europäische Gemeinschaften ? Österreich ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Stromerzeugung ? ORC-Prozess ? Schwefeldioxid ? Stickoxide ? Thermalquelle ? Energieversorgung ? Verdunstung ? Verfahrenskombination ? Wärme ? Erneuerbare Energie ? Kalkung ? Gastronomie ? Elektrischer Kondensator ? Grundwassernutzung ? Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen ? Kohlendioxid ? Europäische Union ? Fischzucht ? Gebäude ? Südeuropa ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Pumpe ? Energie ? Wasserkühlung ? Wasser ? Motor ? Niedrigwasser ? Alternativtechnologie ? Europa ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Daten ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Ölheizung ? Gebäudeschadstoff ? Tourismuswirtschaft ? Landwirtschaft ? Wiederaufarbeitung ? Heizung ? Schadstoffminderung ? Tourismus ? Fürstenfelder-Becken ? Turbomaschine ? Akzeptanz ? Prototyp ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1998-06-01 - 2001-08-01



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Accessed 1 times.