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Poverty-oriented development policy beyond the Millennium Development Goals

Description: Das Projekt "Poverty-oriented development policy beyond the Millennium Development Goals" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. Development cooperation between northern donors and southern/eastern states is characterised by a variety of approaches, interests, varying degrees of stakeholder involvement, differences in priority setting, and modalities of engagement. Still, these variations are underpinned by a surprisingly similar perception of the causes of underdevelopment and the interventions required to overcome it. Indeed, development in its present guise is based on an understanding of, and guided by, an ontology of inclusive liberalism which differs slightly from the neo-liberal and Washington Consensus paradigms of the 1980s. The core ontology of inclusive liberalism, though, continues to be based on a market-growth paradigm, reflecting, in political economic terms, a capitalist imagination of a developed society . The formation of this mainstream has been supported by recent trends towards donor harmonisation , including procedures such as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. Its core marker, though, are the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which resulted from the 2000 UN Millennium Summit and the widely acclaimed United Nations Millennium Declaration. Amongst others, the MDGs include Goal Nr. 1 (MDG-1) to halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than Dollar1 a day. Enormous efforts were undertaken to implement these goals. However, while only four and a half years remain until 2015, there is still a huge gap between achievements and plans. Disenchantment starts to spread, but also reflection, and it appears that the MDGs - and especially MDG-1 - are becoming a crucial signifier for poverty-oriented development debates for advocates of the development mainstream as well as for critics and radical opponents. We therefore expect the emerging debate on poverty-oriented development policies beyond the MDGs (especially MDG-1) to play a crucial role in the shaping of future development interventions by northern donors as well as the states in the south/east. Thus, the overall goal of our project is to harvest on existing knowledge produced by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research North-South (NCCR N-S) and to produce insights that can critically inform the emerging global debate on poverty-oriented development policies beyond the MDGs. To do so, we established a working group of NCCR N-S researchers for work towards these four objectives: (1) To provide an overview on the positions, dimensions and challenges of the emerging debate; (2) To define core dimensions that emerge in this debate (e.g. the role of the state; of private companies, civic and social movements, the nature of underlying societal visions; etc.); (3) To critically assess these core dimensions based on the knowledge base available with NCCR N-S and beyond. usw.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit ? Washington ? Washington ? Zürich ? Entwicklungspolitik ? Tracer ? Brunnen ? Schweiz ? Ernte ? Papier ? Einkommen ? Rechtsverfahren ? Interessenvertreter ? Reflexion ? Staat ? Salztonebene ? Bildung ? Arbeit ? Armut ? Forschung ? Soziale Bewegung ? Zuständigkeit ? Globale Aspekte ? Änderung ? Markt ? Strategische Aspekte ? Armutsbekämpfung ? Wachstum [biologisch] ? BEWERTEN ? Werkzeug ? Basen [chemisch] ? Bemessung ? DAUER ? ENTWICKLUNG ? ERGEBNIS ? FOERDERN ? GEGENWART ? GRUPPE ? INITIATIVE ? LAENDER ? Liberalismus ? Muskelarbeit ? NATIONAL ? NEU ? NOERDLICH ? OEKONOMISCH ? Ortsbestimmung ? POLITISCH ? PROJEKT ? Radikal [Chemie] ? SONSTIG ? STELLE ? SUEDLICH ? Spenderorganismus ? UEBERLEGUNG ? VERFUEGBAR ? BESTEHEND ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2010-07-07 - 2015-09-30




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