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Spezialisierte elektronische Nasen fuer die Verbesserung der Leistung von mittleren und grossen Klimaanlagen

Description: Das Projekt "Spezialisierte elektronische Nasen fuer die Verbesserung der Leistung von mittleren und grossen Klimaanlagen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Mikrosensoren, -aktoren und -systeme durchgeführt. Objective: The attention to the problems related with the management of HVAC system either in terms of IAQ or energy consumption has become more and more pronounced. The consciousness that the highlighted problems cannot be solved with the present available approaches has brought the CLEAN-AIR consortium to propose innovative solutions and new HVAC operating concepts. The objectives of CLEAN-AIR proposal can be so summarised: a) a consistent improvement of the indoor/outdoor air quality status knowledge through the development of dedicated, miniaturised, low-cost electronic noses (EN) realised using state-of-the-art micro-systems/sensors fabrication technologies and b) the indoor air pollution control by taking into account the indoor/outdoor air quality status and managing the HVAC system under demand and not on the base of a defined duty cycle. Description of work: After the definition of the target gasses to be used as IAQ tracer, their concentrations and the overall system architecture, several R and D activities will be contemporary started. Among them, the design and prototyping of the miniaturised components (capillary gas chromatographic column, pre-combustion unit, sensor array) to be developed upon a Si platform and assembled in a unique pneumatic motherboard (PMB). This part together with the development of most suitable sensing materials, device-operating conditions will represent the core of the activities aiming to realise the hardware part of an advanced-miniaturised electronic nose (EN). Once the realisation of the PMB will be completed, a dedicated electronic interface to manage each single step of the PMB operating conditions will be designed, fabricated and the overall micro-system functionality tested. The extensive EN characterisation will be carried out using, in parallel, STD analytical tools to generate a consistent database necessary to define the most appropriate mathematical algorithm correlating the EN output to the true chemistry given by the STD analytical tools. The implementation of prototypes of the demonstrator into a HVAC system facility will allow to test each unit under real operating conditions. For the final demonstrator validation, the ENs output will be compared with the output of STD. analytical tools used in parallel. This will be carried out injecting, into a confined environment equipped with a HVAC system, defined amount of pollutants. The results of this part of the activity will be used for the final tuning of the different units and the validation of high-level intervention methodologies developed to insure a more comfortable and safe working/living places. Prime Contractor: Aermec Spa, Bevilacqua.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Klimaanlage ? Bremen ? Elektronik ? Innenraumluft ? Sensor ? Tracer ? Hardware ? Luftreinigung ? Luftverschmutzung ? Energieeinsparung ? Energieverbrauch ? Luftqualität ? Management ? Monitoring ? Luftüberwachung ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Elektronische-Nase ? Prototyp ?

Region: Bremen

Bounding boxes: 8.80717° .. 8.80717° x 53.07582° .. 53.07582°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2000-03-02 - 2003-02-02



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Accessed 1 times.