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Schulungs- und Informationstaetigkeiten bezueglich erneuerbarer Energien auf einer den Betreibern und Endverbrauchern so nahe wie moeglich gelegenen Ebene

Description: Das Projekt "Schulungs- und Informationstaetigkeiten bezueglich erneuerbarer Energien auf einer den Betreibern und Endverbrauchern so nahe wie moeglich gelegenen Ebene" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Bingen, Transferstelle für rationelle und regenerative Energienutzung durchgeführt. Objective: Supported by the EU-programme ALTENER the Fachhochschule Bingen, Transferstelle fuer Regenerative Energiesysteme, started in the end of 1994 an expert training project lasting till end of 1996. A practical orientated training and qualification-method is developed and applied - Direct Project Support (DPS). General Information: Diversification by Direct Project Support (DPS): Training of Craftsmen and Planners in the Field of Solar Thermal. The stagnation in the promotion of renewable energy (RE) is mainly caused by three reasons: First the direct cost of renewable converted energy is most higher than of fossilized. Second the up and down of public financial support leads to wait and see by potential initiators of building projects. And third planners and craftsmen don't dare to use renewable energy systems due to a lack of practical knowledge and confidence about. Supported by the EU-programme ALTENER the Fachhochschule Bingen, Transferstelle fuer Regenerative Energiesysteme, started in the end of 1994 an expert training project lasting till end of 1996. Within the project running time a new Training and Qualification (TaQ) method is developed, evaluated and enhanced by explicite application. The project activities run in three layers: - Developing of a practical orientated TaQ-method. For that an exchange with other TaQ institutions is set up. - Application of the method on the intented audience. - Transformation of the passed knowledge by the target groups under instruction of an expert. This we call Direct Project Support (DPS). The main emphasis of our project is on the use of solar thermal energy for domestic hot water systems (SDHW). Here is a quite good demand by potential users, further the systems are nowadays well developed and state of the art. The intented audience contains several groups, who are all multipliers: - planners (architects, engineers) - craftsmen (installers, heating mechanics, roofers) - specialist teachers and instructors of planners and craftsmen - journalists. The method of DPS is very close to the practical need of craftsmen and planners. It is done only in combination with a concrete costumer inquiry. The trainer leads the craftsman rsp. planner through all levels of realisation of a SDHW. DPS is training on the job. So the expert gets the firmness to realise further projects without additional support. Up to now over 500 experts1 were reached on the level of introductory lectures in nearly 10 events. Quite a lot of them went a step further and attended a training course (90 experts1) and/or took part at DPS which was practiced 35 times1. All activities are evaluated in respect to our aim and compared with simular. The main emphasis is not in number of educated persons but in developing and applying a TaQ method very close to the practical need. The project has to be understood as promotion of employment by up-grading qualification and hence diversification in respect to solar systems in the harsh-turnin


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Lack ? Solarenergie ? Alternative Energie ? Qualifikation ? Erneuerbare Energie ? Wärmeerzeugung ? Europäische Union ? Energienutzung ? Energiesystem ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Fortbildung ? Informationsvermittlung ? Zielgruppe ? Planung ? Unterrichtsmodell ? renewable sources of energy ?

Region: Rheinland-Pfalz

Bounding boxes: 7.5° .. 7.5° x 49.66667° .. 49.66667°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1994-11-01 - 1996-12-31



Quality score

Accessed 1 times.