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Geringere Stickstoffverluste in der Milchproduktion durch markergestuetzte Zucht fuer effiziente Stickstoffnutzung und Futterwerte bei Roggengras

Description: Das Projekt "Geringere Stickstoffverluste in der Milchproduktion durch markergestuetzte Zucht fuer effiziente Stickstoffnutzung und Futterwerte bei Roggengras" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Lembke, Niederlassung Poel durchgeführt. Objective: The production of milk and meat in dairy farming in the EU - which is to a large extent based on the use of forage grass for feeding dairy cows is associated with high use of nitrogen inputs and with high imports of feed concentrates. This leads to high losses of nitrogen that pollute water (nitrate leaching) and air (ammonia volatilisation). This project aims at the development of selected genotypes and cultivars of forage grasses, in particular perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), That need lower nitrogen inputs to achieve the same milk and meat production. This will be achieved by the development and use of molecular masker selection for nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and feeding value of grass for dairy cows. At present, grass breeding is not aimed directly at improving nitrogen use efficiency and only for a limited extent at improving feeding value. The reason is that the available evaluation techniques are too expensive or take too long for a fast genetic improvement. The development and use of marker aided selection for nitrogen use efficiency and feeding value of ryegrass would substantially speed up the process of genetic improvement, but requires the integration of different disciplines (plant physiology, animal nutrition and molecular biology). This project aims to achieve this integration in order to develop fast and effective selection procedures (marker aided breeding) for nitrogen use efficiency and feeding value and to use the developed marker technology for the selection of ryegrass genotypes. This will be achieved by the combined effort of three research institutes, two grass breeding companies and a seed trading company (among which two smes). This development serves the long term goal of making it possible for dairy farmers to produce the same amount of milk and meat with less pollution with nitrate of ground and surface water and less air pollution from ammonia volatilisation. A second long term goal that will be achieved with the development of above mentioned improved genotypes and cultivars is a reduction of feeding costs of dairy cows. This is possible due to a reduction of fertiliser costs for growing grass and to lower feed concentrate purchases need with such cultivars. This reduces the cost price of milk and improves the competitiveness of dairy farmers and dairying industry in the European Union. Populations of perennial ryegrass segregating for nitrogen use efficiency and feeding value will be evaluated with specialised nutrient flowing systems and modern feed evaluation techniques. DNA-marker analysis will be used to construct genetic maps for these traits. Marker tools for estimating genetic distance will be develop to make better use of heterosis in ryegrass breeding. Marker selection will be used to select genotypes that combine high breeding values for components of nitrogen use efficiency and feeding value. Offspring of selected genotypes will be evaluated for nitrogen use efficiency and feeding v


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Stickstoffgehalt ? Ammoniak ? Eutrophierung ? Süßgräser ? Nährstoffgehalt ? Pflanzenphysiologie ? Nitrat ? Genotyp ? Außenhandel ? Biomonitoring ? DNA ? Düngemittel ? Futterpflanze ? Langzeitwirkung ? Rind ? Saatgut ? Pflanzensamen ? Tracer ? Zusatzstoff ? Genetische Ressourcen ? Aktives Monitoring ? Futtermittel ? Grundwasserverunreinigung ? Nahrungsproduktion ? Luftreinhaltung ? Milch ? Nährstoffauswaschung ? Nutzpflanze ? Pflanzenproduktion ? Stickstoffdüngung ? Staude ? Europäische Union ? Biologische Untersuchung ? Pflanzenernährung ? Interdisziplinarität ? Pflanzenstoffwechsel ? Pflanzenzüchtung ? Kostensenkung ? Auslaugung ? Fleisch ? Stickstoffkreislauf ? Tierernährung ? Wasserverschmutzung ? Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ? Bestimmungsmethode ? Gewässerschutz ? Nährstoffeintrag ? Weideland ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Nährstoffmangel ? Oberflächengewässer ? Poel ? Population ? Produktivität ? Landwirtschaft ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Züchtung ? Zusammenarbeit ? Nahrungskette ? Futtermittelqualität ? Fütterung ? Selektivität ? Futtermittelherstellung ? Vermehrung ?

Region: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1999-01-04 - 2003-01-03



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