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Integrated system of data collection technologies for mapping soil properties (DIGISOIL)

Description: Das Projekt "Integrated system of data collection technologies for mapping soil properties (DIGISOIL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières durchgeführt. Objective: The multidisciplinary DIGISOIL consortium intends to integrate and improve in situ and proximal measurement technologies for the assessment of soil properties assessment and soil degradation indicators, going from the sensing technologies to their integration and their application in (digital) soil mapping (DSM). In addition, our SMEs experience will allow to take into account the feasibility of such developments based on economical constraints, reliability of the results and needs of the DSM community. In order to assess and prevent soil degradation and to benefit from the different ecological, economical and historical functions of the soil in a sustainable way, there is an obvious need for high resolution and accurate maps of soil properties. The core objective of the project is to explore and exploit new capabilities of advanced geophysical technologies for answering this societal demand. To this aim, DIGISOIL addresses four issues covering technological, soil science and economic aspects: (i) the validation of geophysical (in situ, proximal and airborne) technologies and integrated pedo-geophysical inversion techniques (mechanistic data fusion) (ii) the relation between the geophysical parameters and the soil properties, (iii) the integration of the derived soil properties for mapping soil functions and soil threats, (iv) the evaluation, standardisation and sub-industrialization of the proposed methodologies, including technical and economical studies.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Endokrine Wirkung ? Wohneigentum ? Buchhaltung ? Grundeigentum ? Ökologie ? Frankreich ? Gemeineigentum ? Grundwasserzustand ? Staatseigentum ? Geoelektrik ? Bodenkarte ? Messung ? Abgrabung ? Bewertung ? Bodenfunktion ? Messverfahren ? Technik ? Luftschadstoff ? Boden ? Chemische Stoffeigenschaft ? Inversionswetterlage ? Datenerhebung ? in situ ? Kenngröße ? Landwirtschaft ? Standardisierung ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Zielkonflikt ? Abdeckung ? Umweltschutz ? Physikalische Größe ? Schutzziel ? Bedarf ? Soil properties ? Urheberrecht ? Verwertung ? Akustische Kenngröße ? Eichung ? Eigenschaft [technisch][benutze Unterbegriffe] ? Eigentumsbeschränkung ? Eigentumsordnung ? Buchgrundstück ? Waldeigentum ? Erlass [Recht] ? FP7-ENVIRONMENT ? Zuverlässigkeit ? Öffentliche Sache ? Filtereigenschaft ? Staatsziel ? Lagerfähigkeit ? Mapping tool ? Nachbargrundstück ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-09-01 - 2011-08-31



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