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Dreidimensionale geophysikalische Kartierung: Darstellung neuer Einschraenkungen fuer das Verstaendnis hydrogeologischer und geologischer Prozesse

Description: Das Projekt "Dreidimensionale geophysikalische Kartierung: Darstellung neuer Einschraenkungen fuer das Verstaendnis hydrogeologischer und geologischer Prozesse" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Geophysik durchgeführt. Leading Questions: How may surface lithologies and structures in the depth range 0 to 100m be determined from surface observations and very limited boreholes? Abstract: Switzerland's vast glacial and glaciofluvial deposits contain more than two-thirds of the country's aquifers and include large concentrations of industrial minerals (e.g. sand and gravel). Since the most densely populated centres are built upon these unconsolidated deposits the underlying groundwater's are susceptible to contamination from chemical spills, leaky waste disposal sites and polluted water from rivers. It is well know that groundwater flow is influenced strongly by the nature of the surficial geology (i.e. the distribution of lithofacies) and modern investigations have shown that predictions of contaminant transport require reliable information on the 3-D distributions of the highly permeable sedimentary units. In many glacial and glaciofluvial environments significant variations in lithofacies and associated order-of-magnitude changes of hydraulic conductivity may occur over such short distances that a sparse network of boreholes and outcrops would not resolve the geometries and sizes of the different geological units and may not even sample all of the important lithofacies - the information would be 'aliased'. The task is to develop and test geophysical methods that allow the character (lithofacies), size, geometry and 3-D distribution of important unconsolidated sedimentary units in glacial and glaciofluvial surficial deposits to be determined. The methods will be calibrated at locations where good geological and hydro geological control exists.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Geologische Kartierung ? Fluss ? Zürich ? Kartierung ? Schweiz ? Abfallentsorgung ? Deponie ? Grundwasserverunreinigung ? Hydrogeologie ? Kies ? Sand ? Geologischer Prozess ? Chemikalien ? Geologie ? Geophysik ? Größenverteilung ? Grundwasserleiter ? Grundwasserströmung ? Schadstoffausbreitung ? Wasserdurchlässigkeit ? Sediment ? Geomorphologie ? Mineral ? Umweltveränderung ? Lithofacies ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1993-10-01 - 2001-09-30



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