Description: Das Projekt "Biodiversity and associated ecosystem services in small vs. large scale agriculture" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften, Abteilung Agrarökologie durchgeführt. Biodiversity conservation cannot rely on protected areas alone, as sustainable conservation requires strategies for managing whole landscapes including agricultural areas. Organic farming in Germany may contribute strongly to the protection of biodiversity and to sustainability of agriculture through enhancing ecosystem services. However, the effectiveness of this agri-environmental management is highly dependent on landscape structure. The main objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of organic cereal management in small vs. large scale agriculture through measure of the diversity of plants and arthropods and associated ecosystem services, such as seed predation, insect predation, aphid parasitism and pollination. Pairs of organic and conventional winter wheat fields will be selected in small vs. large scale agricultural landscapes along the former inner German border, i.e. in West vs. East Germany. This study design enables a unique experiment, where it would be possible to disentangle the effects of landscape composition and configuration heterogeneities in the same study region and to study how these affect the effectiveness of organic management. The detailed analyses of the expected valuable data could provide significant results (published in high ranked, international scientific journals), and contribute to the development of the existing
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Göttingen ? Main ? Landschaftspflege ? Weizen ? Insekt ? Arthropoden ? Getreide ? Agrarökologie ? Befruchtung ? Blattlaus ? Saatgut ? Pflanzensamen ? Bestäubung ? Parasitologie ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Agrarlandschaft ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Pflanzenvielfalt ? Schutz der Biodiversität ? Ackerland ? Daten ? Ökologischer Landbau ? Landschaftsstruktur ? Management ? Studie ? Wirkungsgrad ? Pflanze ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft ? Ökosystemleistung ? Schutzgebiet ? Biodiversität ? Bewirtschaftungssystem ? Landschaft ? Überwinterung ? Landwirtschaft ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? Landwirtschaftliche Fläche ? Korn ? Ökologie von Agrarlandschaften ? Diversität ?
Region: Niedersachsen
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2012-01-01 - 2025-02-04
Accessed 1 times.