Description: Das Projekt "Real-time on-line decision support systems for off-site emergency management following a nuclear accident" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Technik und Umwelt durchgeführt. Objective: Scientific cooperation between EC and CIS institutes in this area will be undertaken using, as a platform, the Decision Support System (DSS) which is being developed within the framework of the Radiation Protection Research Action of the CEC. The broad objectives of the collaborative programme are to improve the models included in the DSS; to include additional models to make the DSS comprehensive; to broaden the applicability of the DSS to the CIS as well as the EC; to implement the DSS in institutes in the CIS; and to use data following the Chernobyl accident both to improve and validate models included in the DSS. General Information: Data assimilation techniques for real time systems. The effective use of both model predictions and monitoring data in decision support systems is essential for the realistic estimation of the potential radiological impact of an accidental release and the introduction of the most appropriate countermeasures. Various techniques exist or are being developed for this purpose with varying degrees of success. To further support methodological developments in this area, and at least partially, validate the techniques, investigations are needed in the following areas: the compilation of a coherent data base containing accredited radiological measurements made in the short term following the Chernobyl accident; - the testing and validation of the techniques used to assimilate model predictions and monitoring data, including quantification of their uncertainties; - the optimisation of environmental monitoring strategies to reduce uncertainties in radiological predictions during the early stages of an accident. Effectiveness of countermeasures involving the movement of people. The voluntary or forced movement of people before, during and after an accidental release of radioactive material is associated with benefits and harm. Their evaluation and quantification are an important input to well considered judgements on the use of evacuation as a countermeasure. Evaluation of the practical experience gained during and after the Chernobyl accident has the potential to provide both qualitative and quantitative insights and information that may be useful for future planning. Investigations of the following topics are seen as most profitable in this respect: the compilation of a consistent data base which, chronologically, includes information on the introduction and withdrawal of early countermeasures, both temporally and spatially; on the response and behaviour of the population to these countermeasures; on the resources, manpower and time required for their introduction; and on the dose distributions in the affected population; - the development of methods, simulation models and computer programs for the DSS which enable dose distributions to be estimated reliably for population groups being evacuated or relocated; - the testing, validation and further improvement of countermeasure and dose assessment models ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Hirsch ? Karlsruhe ? Messstation ? Verhaltensmuster ? Seen ? Tschernobyl ? Europäische Kommission ? Tschernobyl-Kernschmelzunfall ? Datenverbund ? Gemeinschaft unabhängiger Staaten ? Monitoringdaten ? Betriebsdaten ? Demografischer Wandel ? Hardware ? Messprogramm ? Messtechnik ? Strahlenschutz ? Szenario ? Umweltschutzmaßnahme ? Umweltmonitoring ? Mensch ? Wirkungsmodell ? Informationssystem ? Kerntechnischer Unfall ? Management ? Mathematisches Modell ? Messdaten ? Monitoring ? Prognosemodell ? Qualitative Analyse ? Quantitative Analyse ? Radioaktive Kontamination ? Radioaktiver Stoff ? Schutzmaßnahme ? Simulation ? Statistische Analyse ? Anlagenüberwachung ? Systemtechnik ? Assimilation ? Unfallverhütung ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Daten ? Modellierung ? Dosis ? Katastrophenvorsorge ? Ressource ? Unfall ? Off-Site ? Datenbank ? Population ? Datenerhebung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Forschungskooperation ? Entscheidungstheorie ? Planungshilfe ? Entscheidungsgründe ? Entscheidungshilfe ? Angleichung ? Datenspeicherung ? Früherkennung ? Entscheidungsmodell ? Messgenauigkeit ? On-Line-Betrieb ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1992-11-01 - 1994-02-28
Accessed 1 times.