Description: Das Projekt "Policies for water savings in the Yellow River basin: a DSS applied to Nigxia and Shandong" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Laboratoire d'Hydrologie et Amenagement durchgeführt. Objective: - To evaluate the potential water savings in the irrigation water supply and distribution systems, and to identify corresponding alternative solutions for improved management; - to identify improvements in the on-farm irrigation systems in combination with irrigation scheduling which lead to reduced water demand and high yields; - to evaluate the potential for water reuse and related requirements on environmental and health friendliness; - to assess drainage and salinity problems, and to identify appropriate measures to control water logging and salinity; - to assess environmental problems and to evaluate the environmental value of improved soil and water management, as well as the economic and social value of such measures; - to develop a DSS which could be a tool for multi-criteria analysis of water savings. General Information: The key activities involve: - Field research on several items such as: a) Supply systems: field research to establish the inflow-outflow balance of the systems, to estimate the time lags between main nodes, to evaluate the operational rules of the regulation structures. b) Distribution and delivery systems: field research aims at the evaluation of inflow-outflow balances in selected distributors and related delivery characterization. Specific surveys will be performed along the irrigation season in relation to crop demand. c) Crop demand: field research will resume to collect soils data, crop data and weather data to be used in semi-empirical models like ISAREG and IRRICEP. d) Drainage to control water logging and salinity: field research both in NX and SD, several pilot drainage areas have been established and are being explored, which constitute an important source of data. e) Water reuse: field research in areas where surface drainage water and return flows are being used for irrigation will be surveyed both on water and soil quality. f) Environmental impacts and benefits: water quality surveys will be conducted in conjunction with field studies on irrigation (item a, b, c above), and water and soil quality surveys under items d) and e) will also provide appropriate information. - Desk research - treating the data provided by field research. - Development of a DSS using field research to build up or calibrate/validate the simulation models to be used to formulate the alternative scenarios, and to define the socio-economics and environmental parameters which will serve to the multi-criteria analysis. Achievements: Expected Outcome Given the water shortages occurring in the Yellow River basin due to excessive water withdraws, aggravated when droughts occur, the social-economic benefits of the project shall result from the implementation of water saving measures. The quantification of those benefits is a component of the research proposed. The project does not lead directly to socio-economic and environmental benefits but create an appropriate framework for decision making on water saving. Prime Contractor: U
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Wasserwiederverwendung ? Vegetationsschaden ? Fluss ? Lausanne ? Gelber Fluss ? Feldfrucht ? Ackerbau ? Umweltauswirkung ? Blei ? China ? Bodenverbesserung ? Dränwasser ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Sozioökonomie ? Szenario ? Dürre ? Wetterdaten ? Bewässerungssystem ? Ackerboden ? Bodensalzgehalt ? Salzgehalt ? Sozialer Wert ? Bodenqualität ? Strömungsfeld ? Bodenlösung ? Bodenuntersuchung ? Bewässerung ? Umweltmodell ? Wassereinsparung ? Wasserqualität ? Wasserversorgung ? Daten ? Dränung ? Gewässerschutz ? Bewässerungsfeldbau ? Flussgebiet ? Feldstudie ? Einzugsgebiet ? Bilanz ? Bodenbelastung ? Schutzmaßnahme ? Simulation ? Sozioökonomische Merkmale ? Wasserbedarf ? Wasserwirtschaft ? Wetter ? Empirische Untersuchung ? Landwirtschaftliche Fläche ? Hydrologie ? Kenngröße ? Klimafaktor ? Vernässung ? Shandong ? Nigxia ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1998-03-01 - 2002-02-28
Accessed 1 times.