Description: Das Projekt "Polymere Additive fuer Fracfluide" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Höchst, Werk Cassella durchgeführt. Objective: To improve hydraulic fracturing technology it is important to create new frac fluid polymers with increased thermo stability for use in a variety of formations. The scope of this project is the synthesis of new versatile polymers for frac fluid application. General Information: A number of suitable monomer compounds were selected and model homopolymers synthesized. The thermo stability of aqueous solutions of these homopolymers was tested under various conditions. According to the results of these measurements model-copolymers were synthesized. The thermo stability and rheologic behaviour of aqueous solutions were tested. The synthesis of co-polymers of different chemical composition and structure was carried out according to different polymerisation processes and initiator systems which were found to be suitable. The polymers were characterized by measuring: Molecular weight, residual monomer content, molecular weight distribution, rheological data at different temperatures and cross linking behaviour to viscoelastic fluids. Shear stability, pump ability and break-out under formation conditions were also tested. Achievements: Polymers were synthesized which showed good performance within the temperature range up to 150 deg. C as far as the rheological data were concerned. The cross linking reaction of aqueous polymer solutions was carried out by the addition of metal cat ions yielding macromolecular chelate-complexes, which show desirable viskoelastic properties. The degradation of the gelled fluids under formation conditions can be performed by breaker systems. New breaker systems are under evaluation. Continuing the synthesis of new polymers based on the information received so far and testing the properties our present systems will be further optimized. A more detailed study of our systems under simulated formation conditions will be done at the University of Clausthal. The studies carried out at the University of Clausthal, showed that fracturing fluids based on the synthesized new water-soluble polymers, performed, performed by far better compared to the present technical state as far as thermo stability and tolerance to high saline brines are concerned. However some formation damage was observed, which could possibly be avoided by changing the molecular weight of the polymer. Development into this directions is going on. New oil based fracturing fluids were developed, based on novel polymer-tenside systems. The rheological properties at different conditions are under evaluation. Patent applications are presently filed. More detailed information will be given in the next report.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Clausthal ? Kationisches Tensid ? Fracking ? Chelat ? Polymer ? Rheologie ? Zusatzstoff ? Patent ? Organische Verbindung ? Gelöste Stoffe ? Fracking-Fluid ? Ionen ? Polymerisation ? Synthese ? Chemische Stoffeigenschaft ? Physikalische Größe ?
Region: Hessen
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1986-04-01 - 1989-06-30
Accessed 1 times.