Description: Das Projekt "Controlled thermonuclear fusion, Association Euratom/KFA" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institut für Plasmaphysik durchgeführt. Objective: In accordance with its specialized background and multi- disciplinary nature, KFA Jülich as concentrated on the subject area of plasma and wall technology. The Tokamak TEXTOR was specially developed as a testing facility in this connection. The objective is the development of a wall system - and the materials suitable for it - which can withstand the intense heat and particle fluxes from the hot plasma over a long period ('Plasma Facing Components and Materials') and is also compatible with the plasma-physics requirements. General Information: History of Association/Laboratory The 'Institut für Plasmaphysik' was the first scientific institute of KFA Jülich, founded in the late fifties. The Contract of Association with EURATOM was signed in 1962. During the sixties the programme was focused on theta pinches. In the mid-seventies the activities were re-oriented towards plasma-wall interaction. The central facility for the experimental programme, the tokamak TEXTOR (Torus EXperiment for Technology Oriented Research), became operational in 1983 and has been recently upgraded by significant pulse length prolongation ('TEXTOR 94'). Present scientific and technical programme The essence of the programme is plasma-wall physics and technology with emphasis on heat removal and particle exhaust under long-pulse high-power heating conditions. The limiter tokamak TEXTOR (R = 1.75 m, a = 0.5 m) is equipped with 4.0 MW ICRH and 4.0 MW NBI heating (providing a power flux density through the boundary of 25 W/cm(2)) and with a toroidal pump limiter (ALT-II). With TEXTOR 94 fusion relevant plasmas of up to about 10 seconds duration are being produced, maintained and studied. Related issues of plasma confinement, transport and modelling are also addressed, as well as the development of plasma facing materials. Further test stands for applying extremely high heat loads on first-wall components and materials, both by ions and electrons, are available. Highlights of the TEXTOR programme: wall conditioning by boronisation and siliconisation, efficient helium removal, I-mode (improved confinement), edge radiation cooling. Staff Professionals: about 60 Support staff: about 80 Yearly budget (expenditure 1994): about 23 Mio ECU Management structure Head of Research Unit: G.H. WOLF Collaboration with other institutions The Association EURATOM/Belgian State (ERM/KMS Brussels) has taken full responsibility of the heating programme in TEXTOR. The Dutch FOM Association is engaged in TEXTOR with several diagnostic equipments. These two partners and the KFA Association are ready to combine and focus their efforts in fusion oriented plasma physics by establishing a new transnational organisational structure under the name Trilateral Euregio Cluster (TEC). The joint programme is oriented towards the needs of ITER and the W7-X stellator project. Collaboration with the Universities in Belgium, The Netherlands and Nordrhein-Westfalen is promoted by the Euregional Club ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Jülich ? Plasmatechnik ? Nordrhein-Westfalen ? Helium ? Plasmaphysik ? Silikon ? Wolf ? Brüssel ? Bor ? Kombinationswirkung ? Temperaturverteilung ? Wärmebelastung ? Wärmestrahlung ? Contracting ? Belgien ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Niederlande ? Verbändeförderung ? Europäische Atomgemeinschaft ? Kernenergie ? Kernfusion ? Kernreaktor ? Kerntechnische Anlage ? Materialprüfung ? Strahlung ? Staatenvereinigung ? Naturraum ? Pumpe ? Subvention ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Vertrag ? Grundlagenforschung ? Wärmetechnik ? Innovation ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Modellierung ? Ionen ? Energie ? Kontrollsystem ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Forschungskooperation ? Forschungsprogramm ? Versuchsanlage ? Heizung ? Zusammenarbeit ? Magnetismus ? Verkehrsentwicklung ? Partikel ? Elektronen ? Tokamak-TEXTUR ? Aggregatzustand/Erscheinungsform ? Verfahrensforschung ? Wärmetransport ? Ionisation ? Stellarator ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1988-01-01 - 1998-12-31
Accessed 1 times.