Description: Das Projekt "CarboEurope" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. The overarching aim of the CarboEurope IP is to understand, quantify and predict the terrestrial carbon balance of Europe and the uncertainty at local, regional and continental scale. This is achieved by executing a strategically focussed set of surface based, ecological measurements of carbon exchange, further enhancement of an atmospheric high precision observation system for CO2 and other trace gasses, execution of a regional high spatial resolution experiment and integration these component by means of innovative data assimilation systems. The key innovation of the CarboEurope research program is in the increase in spatial and temporal resolution of the observational and modelling program allowing consistent application of the multiple constraint approach to determine the terrestrial carbon balance of Europe with its geographical patterns and variability. CarboEurope aims to provide a system for full carbon accounting for the European continent. CarboEurope IP will further investigate the main controlling mechanisms of carbon cycling in European ecosystems, such as climate (change) and variability, changing land management, and nitrogen deposition and provide future projections of the carbon cycle. CarboEurope-IP integrates and expands the research efforts of 65 European institutions.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Heidelberg ? Main ? Kohlenstoffgehalt ? Carbon Accounting ? Kohlenstoff ? Umweltcontrolling ? Datenaustausch ? Kohlendioxid ? Kohlenstoffbilanz ? Messtechnik ? Szenario ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Messdaten ? Kohlenstoffkreislauf ? Management ? Assimilation ? Monitoring ? Energiepolitik ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Zirkulationsmodell ? Klimaschutz ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Modellierung ? Europa ? Flächenmanagement ? Klimamodell ? Klimawirkung ? Atmosphäre ? Biosphäre ? Ökosystem ? Schadstoffminderung ? Speicherung ? Umweltpolitik ? Globale Aspekte ? Forschungsprogramm ? Klima ? Klimawandel ? Klimaentwicklung ? Biomasseproduktion ? CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung ? Assimilation [Biologie] ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2004-01-01 - 2008-12-31
Accessed 1 times.