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Energy extensive planning of cities

Description: Das Projekt "Energy extensive planning of cities" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Fachbereich Umwelt und Stadtgrün, Bereich Umweltschutz durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of this project is the implementation of advanced energy-saving and energy-efficient measures inside the frame-work of sustainable strategies in new built urban developments, in both building design and execution. The Expo-Cities Project will realize the urban planning activities in all sites incorporated in the project and will foster the construction activities so as the final settlement result will assure the initial goals. Local activities, however, will also be initiated by contracting of architects, consultants and craftsmen, (SME's), which will improve local employment-situation and the dissemination of local know-how. This project is bringing together four partners (Lisbon, Hannover, Palma de Mallorca and Utrecht) who are planning the construction of new buildings projects of vast dimension, between 1500 and 30000 accomodation units - and who are all going to start construction work still during this year and the rest will do during 1998. General Information: Brief description of the projects: - A brand new area to serve the expansion of Palma de Mallorca. The Balearic Islands capital. As any coastal city dominated by tourism with enormous cycling demands, a sustainable-yet attractive development is mandatory to create a model that serves the purpose to guarantee a development that can be assimilated by a close ecosystem as an island. - A renovation area in the city of Lisbon serving the purposes of accommodating a world exhibition (Expo 98) with the imperative technological innovations involved in such events, and the challenge to reconvert the area into an expansion buffer of a growing city as Lisbon. - A new housing district in the city of Hannover built in the neighbourhood of the Expo 2000, 6000 houses including a special 'Expo-city' with emphasis on sustainable urban development, and energy optimization to allocate visitors and the Hannover expansion are. -The development of a complete new district of 30000 houses and 700000 m2 office near the city of Utrecht in the period 1995-2015. The concept are compactness, durability and identity. Energy efficiency measures, far beyond the national regulations, must lead to a reduction of 50 per cent of the need of finite energy sources, resulting in the reduction of the CO2 and NOx-emissions. The new build area will serve as a national and international model in the field of sustainable urban development. As per the common activities is concerned, the following is a description of the tasks: 1. Exchange the know-how already existing at the four developing teams: the project will create an Advisory Task Force that will commence the activities by reviewing the project details, local problems, adopted solutions and implementing plans. 2. Elaboration of a common developing strategy for the innovative sustainable concept. 3. Application of a set of selected solutions in all sites. Prime Contractor: Landeshauptstadt Hannover; Hannover; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Küstenentwicklung ? Hannover ? Island ? Blei ? Contracting ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Stadtplanung ? Gebäude ? Gewährleistung ? Großstadt ? Innenstadt ? Kohlendioxid ? Anfechtung ? Stadtteil ? Stickoxide ? Insel ? Energieträger ? Inselökosystem ? Städtische Grünfläche ? Energieversorgung ? Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung ? Baustelle ? Innovation ? Stadtentwicklung ? Standortwahl ? Vertrag ? Wohnumfeld ? Energie ? Stadt ? Luftschadstoff ? Energiequelle ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Ökodesign ? Lissabon ? Energieeffizienzsteigerung ? Schadstoffminderung ? Wohnen ? Tourismus ? Ausstellung ?

Region: Niedersachsen

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1996-09-01 - 1999-12-31



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