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EMOCLIP - Institutional Partnership for Environmental Modeling and Climatology

Description: Das Projekt "EMOCLIP - Institutional Partnership for Environmental Modeling and Climatology" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Geneve, Departement de Geographie durchgeführt. EMOCLIP: - institutional partnership project is devised to establish an institutional partnership between Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva (ISE) and the Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura Singidunum University Belgrade (Futura). The project will be oriented toward strengthening Futura's institutional capacity on environmental modeling and climatology. Besides that, other positive effects, such as creating conditions for long term cooperation between ISE and Futura, improving coursesand teaching methods and creating a Centre for Environmental Modeling (CEM) at Futura will be realized. The realization of project will not only contribute to Futura's research capacities but will also have an impact on students' educational profiles. Students who complete studies, revised as a result of this project, will be much better prepared to deal with everyday environmental problems in practice through the application of environmental modeling. IP - climatology, CL - environmental modeling, EMO The comprehensive and sustainable management structure, preparation and realization of training courses for young researchers, organization of dissemination workshops and seminars for students and other stakeholders, improvement of Futura's research infrastructure to conduct environmental modeling, improvement of teaching methods and courses syllabuses. including the formation of IP will be carried outTo achieve these objectives a series of activities Jointly established overall objectives of this IP can be presented as follows: shared responsibilities for strengthening institutional research capacities in the area of environmental modeling and climatology; participative strategic planning for institutional structural development and modernization of research and teaching methods for environmental modeling and climatology; joint research management structure development and improvement; improvement of efficiency, transparency and visibility of jointly research activities; capacity building of Futura research staff for international standards regarding environmental modeling and similar subjects; development of curricula for environmental modeling and climatology master or PhD courses; networking improvement between Swiss and Eastern European research institutions with the aim of knowledge transfer and information dissemination for environmental modeling and climatology.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Genf ? Klimatologie ? Ökologie ? Schweiz ? Curriculum ? Gebäude ? Wirkung ? Bildung ? Didaktik ? Handelsgewerbe ? Interessenvertreter ? Management ? Stoffgemisch ? Ausbildung ? Wirkungsgrad ? Modellierung ? Wirkung ? Umweltwissenschaft ? Forschungsinfrastruktur ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? Körperschaft ? Umwelt ? Zusammenarbeit ? Zuständigkeit ? Planung ? Gebiet ? Modernisierung ? Forschung ? Workshop ? Norm ? ENTWICKLUNG ? INFORMATIONSTRANSFER ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? Lehrplan ? BEZUG ? PARTNERSCHAFT ? PERSONAL ? PROJEKT ? SONSTIG ? THEMA ? UMGANG ? DAUER ? UMWELTPROBLEM ? VERHAELTNIS ? Verwertung ? EINBAUSCHICHT ? ERGEBNIS ? GEGENWART ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2011-07-01 - 2013-06-30



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