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ERA-NET - Development of test methods for non wood small-scale combustion plants

Description: Das Projekt "ERA-NET - Development of test methods for non wood small-scale combustion plants" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Höhere Landwirtschaftliche Bundeslehranstalt Francisco-Josephinum durchgeführt. Non wood fuels for small-scale furnaces have attracted increasing interest in several European countries. New technological approaches are on the way, but the verification of any such developments is difficult and there is a large uncertainty about testing procedures and equipment. While for wood combustion standardized European measuring regulations are available and broadly applied, the testing of cereal fuel combustion is generally not following a commonly accepted procedure. Consequently the results of such measurements are not fully comparable. This applies particularly for the international level, which is here of particular relevance due to the fact that a combustion technology development for a niche application can only be economically viable if a sufficiently large marketing area can be taken into focus. The overall objective of the proposal is therefore to contribute through research to the development of uniform and comparable European procedures for testing of small-scale boilers up to a power out of 300 kW for solid biomass from agriculture like straw pellets and energy grain. The driving forces and barriers will be worked out; existing legal regulation for the installation (approval by the local authorities) in the participating countries will be collected. The state of the art of the non wood biomass boiler technology will be identified; the need for standardized tests for type approval tests and the measures to establish a European Standard will be shown. Measurement methods with special emphasis on efficiency and emissions will be worked out and the requirements and specifications of test fuels will be proposed. Test runs will be carried out following preliminary test procedures based on existing European standards for wood boilers. Based on the results of these test runs a draft for a Europe-wide uniform test procedure will be proposed. Preparatory work for a European standardization process including a round robin test will be done.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Brennstoff ? Getreide ? Ringversuch ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Heizöl ? Unfallverhütungsvorschrift ? Verbrennung ? Widerspruchsverfahren ? Holz ? Holzfeuerungsanlage ? Bodenuntersuchung ? Europa ? Bodenbewirtschaftung ? Bodenbildung ? Emission ? Brennofen ? Prüfverfahren ? Stand der Technik ? Wirkungsgrad ? Wirtschaftsraum ? Zulassung ? Forschung und Entwicklung ? Gerätesicherheit ? Sicherheitsmaßnahme ? Sicherheitsvorschrift ? Arbeit ? Biomasse ? Sicherheitsanalyse ? Verarbeiten ? Ableitung ? Ausrüstung ? Vorgang ? Annäherung ? Betriebsvorschrift ? Bodeneffizienz ? Vorschlag ? Vorschläge ? Erfordernis ? Zins ? Ergebnis ? Internationale Sicherheit ? Korn ? Überlebensfähigkeit ? Krustenbildung ? Vergleichbarkeit ? Vermehrung ? Methode ? Notwendigkeit ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2007-01-01 - 2025-02-04



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