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The global biogeochemical cycle of selenium: sources, fluxes and the influence of climate

Description: Das Projekt "The global biogeochemical cycle of selenium: sources, fluxes and the influence of climate" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Integrative Biologie durchgeführt. Selenium is a natural trace element that is of fundamental importance to human health. However, it is also an element with a small range between dietary deficiency (less than 40 micrograms per day) and toxic dosages (over 400 micrograms per day). The extreme geographical variation in environmental selenium concentrations has resulted in significant health problems. For example, in China, widespread serious diseases such as Kashin-Beck and Keshan disease have been related to the very low selenium contents of locally produced food. To deal with health problems related to deficient or excess levels of selenium in the environment, it is essential to get a better understanding of the processes that control the global distribution of selenium. This research project is aimed at investigating potentially important sources, pathways and sinks of natural selenium species. Two interdisciplinary work programs are planned that combine different scientific methodologies in the field of environmental biogeochemistry. One work program will focus on the production of volatile selenium species by marine phytoplankton, which could be an important source of selenium to the continent. Research methods involve microcosm studies with marine phytoplankton and subsequent trapping and characterization of produced volatile selenium species. Expected results will greatly contribute to an improved understanding of the role of marine phytoplankton in the global selenium cycle. Also, field experiments are planned to quantify fluxes of volatile selenium compounds from continental environments. The deposition of atmospherically transported selenium on the continent will be the main focus of the other work program. A key field site for this work program is the Chinese Loess Plateau, which has the potential to serve as environmental archive of atmospherically deposited selenium over the last 2.6 million years. The presence and mobility of trace elements will be studied in the loess sediments using different geochemical analytical techniques. Expected results will advance understanding of atmospheric selenium deposition and give insight in the role that climate plays on the continental abundance of selenium. These studies will pave the way for future predictions of selenium distribution patterns based on climate data. Knowledge on biogenic selenium production in the ocean and continental deposition of selenium is needed to understand the environmental fate of both natural and anthropogenic selenium emissions. This understanding is essential to prevent future selenium health hazards in a world that is increasingly affected by human activities.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Gesundheitsgefährdung ? Selenverbindung ? Biogeochemie ? Zürich ? Geochemie ? Phytoplankton ? Selen ? China ? Lössboden ? Meeresorganismen ? Spurenelement ? Prognose ? Forschungsprojekt ? Ackerland ? Emission ? Geographie ? Handelsgewerbe ? Mensch ? Studie ? Technik ? Toxizität ? Deposition ? Sediment ? Meeresgewässer ? Boden ? Menschliche Gesundheit ? Gesundheit ? Produktion ? Arbeit ? Atmosphäre ? Bedarf ? Forschung ? Freilandversuch ? Klima ? Krankheit ? Lebensmittel ? Fahrradfahren ? Umwelt ? Verkehr ? Gebiet ? Gefahr ? Globale Aspekte ? Änderung ? Kontinent ? Verkehrsmobilität ? Klimadaten ? Konzentrat ? WICHTIG ? GRUNDLAGE ? BESCHREIBUNG ? KONTROLLE ? Ablagerung ? METHODE ? METHODIK ? Muskelarbeit ? NATUERLICH UND ANTHROPOGEN ? EIN ? PFAD ? POTENZIAL ? PROGRAMMIERUNG ? ANALYTISCH ? PROJEKT ? EINFANGEN ? SONSTIG ? ERGEBNIS ? BEISPIEL ? Art [Spezies] ? WISSENSCHAFTLICH ? UMGANG ? VERARBEITEN ? VERBLEIB ? VERFRACHTUNG ? VERTEILUNG ? FORTSCHRITTLICH ? GEHALT ? VERWANDT ? GEPLANT ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2011-08-01 - 2015-07-31



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