Description: Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Erprobung eines integrierten Bewertungssystems fuer die oekologische Qualitaet von Fluessen in Europa unter Verwendung benthonischer Makroinvertebrate" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität-Gesamthochschule Essen, Institut für Ökologie, Abteilung Hydrobiologie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: The EU Water Framework Directive defines a framework for assessing water-bodies in the future - however, the precise method for determining the ecological status is still to be defined. Hence, there is the requirement and the unique opportunity to establish a general assessment method for streams and rivers and to define general quality targets for running waters throughout Europe. The assessment system should consider different impact factors enabling a holistic assessment of streams. With this project we will lay the scientific foundations for such a method, develop the method and start the transfer to applied water management. Scientific objectives and approach: The aim of the project is to develop and test an assessment procedure for streams and rivers which meets the demands of the EU Water Framework Directive using benthic macro invertebrates. In all, partners from 8 EU member states participate. Therefore, the method developed will be tested in many parts of Europe and will, hence, be applicable in most ecoregions in Europe. The partners represent a transect from northern to southern Europe (Scandinavia to Central-Mediterranean area) and another transect from the Iberian Peninsula to the Eastern Mediterranean. The assessment system will be based on the outlines of a European stream typology and on the fauna of near-natural reference streams. The biological and a biotic data sets of reference sites and impacted sites should be entirely comparable and of a high scientific quality. Therefore, it is necessary to collect new data sets in both a sophisticated and economic way: the North-South and East-West sampling transects give the possibility of inter-comparisons in methodology and assessment concepts between ecoregions. The method developed will be adapted to regional conditions in order to allow comparable use in all EU member states. It will be combined with selected methods for stream assessment and indication currently used in the EU member states. If current methods supply additional information for certain regions, they will be included in the assessment system as additional modules. Databases on European macro invertebrate taxa used for the assessment system will be generated. Finally, the transfer of the developed method into water management application will be started, via a manual and a PC program. Expected impacts: The proposed project serves precise and long-term implementation of EU policies addressing questions in the area of water and surface waters protection. Securing and maintaining a high ecological quality of streams, the improvement of the quality and prevention of further deterioration are important targets of the EU as defined in article 1 of the EU Water Framework Directive. These aims must be based on methods for indication and assessment of the ecological status. The project will supply the EU member states with a tool for assessing the ecological river quality...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Biopharmazeutikum ? Fluss ? Fließgewässer ? Langzeitwirkung ? Ökologie ? Iberische Halbinsel ? Ökoregion ? Europäische Union ? Wirbellose ? Ökologischer Zustand ? Software ? Makrozoobenthos ? Wasserrahmenrichtlinie ? EU-Politik ? Nordeuropa ? Hydrobiologie ? Management ? Modul ? Oberflächengewässer ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Ökologische Bewertung ? Politik ? Standortwahl ? Europa ? Soziale Aspekte ? Wasserwirtschaft ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Datenbank ? Umweltschutz ? Fauna ? other energy topics ? scientific research ? legislation, regulations ? renewable sources of energy ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2000-03-01 - 2002-02-28
Accessed 1 times.