Description: Das Projekt "FLOOD-RISK" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Bodenforschung durchgeführt. The project aims to substantially increase our understanding on the rhizospheric and physiological processes responsible for the hyper accumulation of metals in two species of Thlaspi (T. cepaeifolium and T. goesingense) that are growing in Austria in natural condition. In particular the following points will be adressed: a) metal uptake and translocation by hyper accumulator plants in different pH condition, b) processes in rhizosphere soil of hyper accumulator plants that influence bioavailability of metals, c) response of hyper accumulator plants when grown on soils with another kind of metal contamination than at the original location, d) identification of the metal species translocated and localization of the sites of metal accumulation in the plants. The project is divided into three main parts: I. Investigation of processes in the rhizosphere a) exudates release in hydroponics in different pH conditions b) root-soil interactions studies conducted using rhizobox and microlisimiters II. Experiments of metal uptake a) metal uptake in hydroponics in different pH conditions b) transplant experiments c) co-transplant experiments III. Studies to assess metal translocation and compartimentation analysis of the xylem sap (translocation) microprobe analysis to asses compartimentation of metals in shoots.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Pflanzenphysiologie ? Wien ? Akkumulator ? Österreich ? Kind ? Mikrosondenanalyse ? Rhizosphäre ? Metall ? Bioakkumulation ? Bioverfügbarkeit ? Hydroponik ? pH-Wert ? Schadstoffausbreitung ? Schwermetallakkumulation ? Standortwahl ? Studie ? Pflanze ? Aufbereitungstechnik ? Schadstoffaufnahme ? Thlaspi ? Thlaspi cepaeifolium ? Thlaspi goesingense ? Wachstumsbedingung ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2003-01-01 - 2004-12-31
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.