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Assessment of Climate and Air Quality Change Effects on Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe (CEFES)

Description: Das Projekt "Assessment of Climate and Air Quality Change Effects on Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe (CEFES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. The objective of CEFES is to perform a focused assessment and evaluation of data in EU forest monitoring networks to provide policy relevant information on: - The interactive effects of climate change with air quality change (nitrogen (N) deposition and ozone (O3) exposure) on European forest ecosystems and their services (wood production, C sequestration, biodiversity and the protective functions of forests in view of an adequate soil and water quality). - The way in which adaptive and sustainable forest management strategies can be used to mitigate climate and air quality change effects on forest structures and functions and keep forests sustainable in the long-term. The evaluations will be based on available data from forest monitoring systems at the European scale (mainly available data at ICP forests Level II and Level I plots with additional data derived in the LIFE+ FUTMON project) in combination with available databases on air quality and meteorology, and key data assessed in CEFES itself. More specifically, the objectives are to evaluate the above mentioned datasets and to assess the climate (precipitation, temperature) and air quality (N and acid deposition, O3) pressures and their effects on: - the protective functions of soil and water resources in terms of changes in (i) hydrological budgets and ground water recharge and (ii) soil acidification and N leaching to ground water and surface water; - forest growth, carbon (C) sequestration and the related CO2 exchange; - tree species diversity and ground vegetation, in terms of its nature conservation value; - forest ecosystem health, phenology and regeneration potential. Building on to these evaluations, CEFES aims to identify regionally specific adaptive management strategies in order to mitigate the impact of climate change on forest structures and functions. Considering the LIFE+ objectives, the project aims to contribute specifically to monitoring and evaluation of environmental policy and legislation by: - Evaluation of climate change scenarios, as described by the IPCC scenarios, and air quality change scenarios, as determined by policies related to (i) the Air Quality Framework Directive and related Daughter Directives of the EU and (ii) the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. - Provision of policy relevant information on effects of climate change in relation to air quality change on forest ecosystems in Europe and giving recommendations for adaptation measures at the forest management level. - Provision of data that contributes to the reporting needs (specifically as defined in the criteria and indicators of the Ministerial Conferences of Protection of Forest Ecosystems, MCPFE) and obligations at national and European level.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Bodenvegetation ? Ozon ? Baden-Württemberg ? Bodenstickstoff ? Grundwasserneubildung ? Gewässerdaten ? Stickstoff ? Datenverbund ? Meteorologie ? Waldmonitoring ? Regenwasser ? Gesamtkohlenstoff ? Rahmengesetzgebung ? Saurer Regen ? Schadstoffdeposition ? Szenario ? Temperatur ? Waldökosystem ? Wasserbilanz ? Umweltqualitätsziel ? Schadstoffüberwachung ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention ? EU-Produktsicherheitsrichtlinie ? NEC-Richtlinie ? SUP-Richtlinie ? Facility Management ? Biodiversitätspolitik ? Europapolitik ? Datenberichterstattung ? Bodeninformation ? Waldklima ? IVS-Richtlinie ? Waldschutz ? Oberflächengewässer ? Phänologie ? Beschlagnahme ? Bewertung ? Bodenfunktion ? Bodenversauerung ? Daten ? Wassereinsparung ? Grundwasser ? Wasser ? Ökosystemforschung ? Klimaschutz ? Wirkung ? Globale Veränderung ? Europa ? Altölrichtlinie ? EU-Feinstaub-Richtlinie ? Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft ? Schutzwald ? Expositionsanalyse ? Klimafolgen ? Holzproduktion ? Immission ? Ökosystemleistung ? Kontrollsystem ? Luftqualität ? Management ? Mesoklima ? Klimafolgenforschung ? Artenvielfalt ? Maßnahme ? Biodiversität ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Richtlinie ? CCS-Technologie ? Ökosystem ? Gesundheit ? Wasserressourcen ? Wald ? Naturschutz ? Biosphäre ? Bedarf ? Datenbank ? Hydrologie ? Klima ? Waldfunktion ? Klimaszenario ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? Politik ? Niederschlag ? Raumstruktur ? Dienstleistung ? Diversität ? Netzplantechnik ? Politikfolgenabschätzung ? IMCO-Konferenz ? Netz ? EG-Kommunalabwasserrichtlinie ? Richtlinie über Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte [WEEE-II] ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2011-01-01 - 2015-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.