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Small Hydropower Systems Design for Rural Electrification

Description: Das Projekt "Small Hydropower Systems Design for Rural Electrification" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik durchgeführt. Background: Ethiopia is a country endowed with huge hydropower potential. However, the potential has not been well exploited and the per capita consumption in the country stands as one of the lowest in the world. With this problem in mind, one of the primary objectives of the Energy policy of the government of Ethiopia has been to ensure a reliable supply of energy at the right time and at affordable prices, particularly to support the agricultural development led industrialisation strategy. While the objective is well tailored to the immediate need of rural communities, its implementation lagged much behind expectations. In order to accelerate the energy supply in Ethiopia, the government recently passed the law to allow private power developers to install and operate small to mini-hydropower plants. It is, therefore, hoped that there will be a significant number of independent power produces (IPPs) in the coming decades. While the decision to allow private investment is a good step forward, private investment alone may not produce the necessary break-through in Rural Electrification (RE) in Ethiopia. By its very nature, private investment is mainly profit-oriented which may be guaranteed by RE projects only in the long-run. This is so because the implementation of a self-standing hydropower plant for ruralenergy supply is a challenging task as it is faced by many constraints. There arises, therefore, the fear that the need for an organisation with a clear mandate and responsibility and with a substantial budget to promote RE may be obscured by the assumption that RE largely falls under the domain of private investment. The main objective of this research is, therefore, to find out if such fears are justified. The research bases itself on information on current power supply conditions in Ethiopia by taking an appropriate site for a case study. Objective of the research: The objective of this research is to give a reasonable judgement as to whether RE should be taken as part of the infrastructure development plans of the nation with strong financial support from the government or whether it should be largely left open for private investment. It is sought to find an answer to the question whether the role of RE should be undertaken by a mandated organisation with the necessary budget or whether RE should be dictated by the existing power market structure.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Dresden ? Kleinwasserkraft ? Wasserfall ? Stromversorgung ? Wasserkraft ? Brunnen ? Äthiopien ? Forschungsförderung ? Energieversorgung ? Gewährleistung ? Industrialisierung ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Privatrecht ? Nationale Politik ? Forschungsinfrastruktur ? Dorf ? Energie ? Energiemarkt ? Energiepolitik ? Fallstudie ? Finanzierungshilfe ? Hydromechanik ? Konsum ? Versorgung ? Wasserbau ? Bauen im Bestand ? Bedarf ? Forschung ? Investition ? Körperschaft ? Preisentwicklung ? Bepreisung ? Zuständigkeit ? Markt ? Strategische Aspekte ? Infrastrukturentwicklung ? Rechte ? FOERDERN ? LAND ? PROJEKT ? EIN ? ENTSCHEIDUNG ? STARK ? Basen [chemisch] ? VERHAELTNIS ? VORGABE ? FRAGE ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? Kapitalanlage ? NEU ? POTENZIAL ? BUDGET ? Bepflanzung ? PRO KOPF ? LAENDER ?

Region: Sachsen

Bounding boxes: 10.40664° .. 10.40664° x 49.29433° .. 49.29433°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1998-04-01 - 2001-12-31



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