Description: Das Projekt "Scenarios for the transport system and energy supply and their potential effects (STEPS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Buck Consultants International B.V., Department of Economics, Spatial Planning, Transport and Infrastructure durchgeführt. Objective: To achieve the tasks of Research Domain 1.10, the proposed project STEPS has the following overall objective:to develop, compare and assess possible scenarios for the transport system and energy supply of the future taking into account the state of the art of relevant research within and outside of the 6th RTD Framework and such criteria as the autonomy and security of energy supply, effects on the environment and economic, technical and industrial viability including the impact of potential cost internalisation and the interactions between transport and land use.To achieve this overall objective, STEPS has chosen a two-way approach. As the task description mentions research and assessment, modelling and forecasting activities on the one hand and co-ordination, comparison and dissemination activities on the other, the consortium has come up with a work plan consisting of two main activity 'lines': A Co-ordination activities (clustering meetings, dissemination, publications etc.); B Supporting research activities (scenario development, evaluation and assessment). These two lines of activities are closely related and constantly influencing each other. In all phases of the project,the interlinking of the two 'paths' will ensure a fruitful cross-fertilisation. Moreover, the chosen approach offers an added value to a project plan strictly confined to one of the two activities (research and co-ordination/dissemination).To achieve the project's goals, a well-balanced consortium of renowned research institutes, experienced in the fields of scenario-building and modelling, transport research and energy has been composed. Together with external experts, representatives of governments and other relevant authorities, market parties and transport and energy organisations, this consortium will make the possible consequences on the transport systems and energy supply of the future of the implementation of transport innovations, or the lack thereof, clear'.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Fossiler Brennstoff ? Lack ? Biotop ? Buchhaltung ? Landesregierung ? Meteorologie ? Schilf ? Technologietransfer ? Wattenmeer ? Brunnen ? Landzunge ? Flächensparen ? Behörde ? Energieversorgung ? Grünland ? Landesgesetz ? Marschland ? Szenario ? Wirkung ? Flussaue ? Siedlungsfläche ? Waldfläche ? Wirkung ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Ödland ? Politik ? Energieeinsparung ? Staat ? Energiesicherheit ? Energiespeicher ? Tropengebiet ? Versorgung ? Ackerland ? Flächennutzung ? Brachfläche ? Innovation ? Kosteninternalisierung ? Weideland ? Bewertung ? Modellierung ? Vorbehaltsgebiet ? Energietransport ? Bilanz ? Bauerwartungsland ? Düngung ? Energie ? Geländerelief ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Plan ? Fischerei ? Forschung ? Soziale Aspekte ? Körperschaft ? Verkehrssystem ? Wald ? Arbeit ? Verkehr ? Bauland ? Gebiet ? Kosten ? Umweltschutz ? Landwirtschaftliche Fläche ? Markt ? Umwelt ? OEKONOMISCH ? Scientific Research ? VERFRACHTUNG ? VERGLEICH ? VERGLEICHEN ? VERWANDT ? Vernässung [Boden] ? BEWERTEN ? BESCHREIBUNG ? Wechselwirkung ? Wertschöpfung ? Bilanz [Betriebswirtschaft] ? Muskelarbeit ? EIN ? Nachbargrundstück ? LAND ? SONSTIG ? Other Energy Topics ? ENTWICKLUNG ? ENTWICKLUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? PFAD ? POTENZIAL ? Renewable Sources of Energy ? EXTERN ? FOERDERN ? Reservefläche ? FP6-SUSTDEV ? Geisteswissenschaften ? Resources of the Sea ? Gewerbe- und Industriebrache ? INDUSTRIELL ? KRITERIUM ? Kreuzung [biologisch] ? LAENDER ? Landbeschaffung ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2004-01-15 - 2006-07-14
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.