Description: Das Projekt "Forest dynamics after bark beetle disease in the higher reaches of the Bavarian forest" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, Fachgebiet Geobotanik durchgeführt. The chair of forest and forestplaning examines in cooperation with the section geobotany the modification of soil vegetation and natural reproduction of stands after bark beetle disease. The research will be done in an interdisciplinary project on large field studies in high reaches. The project started with: Creation of long-term observation areas Documentation of competition between natural reproduction and soil vegetation Analysation of development, modification of natural reproduction and soil vegetation Description of dying and break-down of aged spruce stands The project takes part in present researches which are located in the national parc 'Bavarian Forest' and can be seen as a link between them. The investigation offers a possibility for exact descriptions of the status quo and for development forecasts, including most of the important factors like location, soil vegetation, previous stock stands, dead layers, etc.. The experimental design, compiled by Mr. Msc. El Kateb, covers the old part of the national parc (so called inner region) and the extension area. A comparison between the inner part (a natural forest and an intensively (until 1997) managed forest (the extension area) is possible, because the last mentioned area essentially results from the former Forest Administration Office of Zwiesel. Additionally stands are investigated on slope and plateau. The comparison is done between stands where old trees were killed partially by bark beetle and totally dead ones. The investigation will be continued during a long-time period by introducing long-term observation surfaces. The main question of how do spruce stands (Calamagrostis villosae-Piceetum) develop after wide dying of previous stock level, can be answered.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Bayerischer Wald ? Main ? München ? Bodenvegetation ? Vegetation ? Waldschaden ? Seen ? Baum ? Borkenkäfer ? Geobotanik ? Langzeitbeobachtung ? Waldboden ? Bestockung ? Ackerland ? Feldstudie ? Fortpflanzung ? Naturwald ? Viehwirtschaft ? Vorkaufsrecht ? Boden ? Beobachtungsfläche ? Hang ? Änderung ? Abdeckung ? Betriebsstörung ? Erschließung ? Forschung ? Krankheit ? Verwaltung ? Gebiet ? Vergleich ? Zeitraum ? Ergebnis ? exakt ? Beschreibung ? Dokumentationswesen ? Betrachtung ? Entwicklung ? Bereich ? wichtig ? Gegenwart ? Großer Wald ? Möglichkeit ? Oberfläche ? Projekt ? Bodenbedeckung [Abdeckung] ? Schicht ? Stand ? Standort ? Ableitung ? Bruch ? national ? Stelle ? Dauer ? Teil ? Untersuchung ? alt ? ein- ?
Region: Bayern
Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1998-01-01 - 2001-12-31
Accessed 1 times.