Description: Das Projekt "Twinning European and South Asian river basins to enhance capacity and implement adaptive integrated water ressources management approaches (BRAHMATWINN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Jena, Institut für Geographie, Abteilung Geoinformatik und Fernerkundung durchgeführt. BRAHMATWINN will enhance capacity to carry out a harmonised integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach as addressed by the European Water Initiative (EWI) in headwater river systems of alpine mountain massifs already impacted from climate change, and to establish transfer of professional IWRM expertise, approaches and tools based on case studies carried out in twinning European and Asian river basins. With altogether eleven work packages (WP) the project addresses all important IWRM issues in a balanced way, including conflict resolution in the trans- boundary twinning Upper Danube River Basin (UDRB) and the Upper Brahmaputra River Basins (UBRB) in Europe and South Asia respectively. In altogether seventy work tasks of the jointly identified WP social and natural scientists in cooperation with water law experts and local stakeholders will realize the project outcomes: (i) an integrated holistic approach and assessment of the transboundary UDRB and UBRB for sustainable IWRM; (ii) integrated indicators to quantify the natural environment and human dimension, selected to assess IWRM vulnerabilities; (iii) an integrated water resources management system (IWRMS) comprising the DANUBIA hydrological model, the river basin information system (RBIS) and the network analysis, creative modelling decision support system NetSyMod; (iv) a set of what-if scenarios, evaluated using the DPSIR approach, and associated adaptive IWRM options tested by means of the IWRMS to mitigate impacts of likely climate change; and (v) IWRM action plans based on the stakeholder negotiation and the governance assessment. The project consortium of altogether fifteen partners from Europe (10 partner) and Asia (5 partner) shares the financial grant requested proportionally and will guarantee the generation of the necessary synergism required to represent the complex system component interaction and to carry out the required knowledge transfer between Europe and Asia.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Jena ? Flusssystem ? Fossiler Brennstoff ? Synergistische Wirkung ? Meteorologie ? Technologietransfer ? Umweltauswirkung ? Donau ? Gewährleistung ? Szenario ? Wasserrecht ? Europa ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Politik ? Energiespeicher ? Fallstudie ? Berg ? Wissenstransfer ? Informationssystem ? Wassermengenwirtschaft ? Informationsvermittlung ? Flussgebiet ? Wasser ? Natürliche Ressourcen ? Modellierung ? Alpen ? Asien ? Innovation ? Energietransport ? Interessenvertreter ? Energieeinsparung ? Klimafolgen ? Aktionsplan ? Umweltschutz ? Wasserwirtschaft ? Zusammenarbeit ? Verkehr ? Klimawandel ? Gebirge ? Fernerkundung ? Gewässerinformationssystem ? Ressourcenbewirtschaftung ? Fischerei ? Soziale Aspekte ? Gutachten ? Verpackung ? Coordination ? Scientific Research ? transfer of knowledge ? Capacity building ? FP6-SUSTDEV ? Other Energy Topics ? Renewable Sources of Energy ? Resources of the Sea ?
Region: Thüringen
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2006-06-01 - 2009-12-31
Accessed 1 times.