Description: Das Projekt "Konzertierte Aktion zur Molekularbiologie als innovative Konservierungsstrategie fuer Kulturgueter in Raeumen und im Freien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres, Arbeitsgruppe Geomikrobiologie durchgeführt. Objective: Concerted action on molecular microbiology as an innovative conservation strategy for indoor and outdoor cultural assets (COALITION). Problems to be solved: Micro-organisms are responsible for destruction of monuments, statues and cultural heritage assets, which includes the decay (biodeterioration) of stones, mortars, bricks, mural paintings, woods, glass, paper, etc. The use of traditional methods of study is biased by the limitation imposed by the conservation of the work of art and the very rare availability of often extremely small samples. This can be solved using micro-analytical molecular biology techniques. Until now, the existing research initiatives in this field were only providing a fractional overview of the whole issue of cultural heritage biodeterioration. This concerted action, led by very experienced European scientists and leaders of major Institutes and research programmes in the EU, includes 21 international and national research projects and represents and attempt to provide European scientists, conservators, restorers and other end-users with better access to information and improved technology to face cultural heritage biodeterioration. Scientific objectives and approach: The overall objective is to develop an internally consistent Europe-wide plan for cultural heritage conservation able to provide strategies for minimising biodeterioration. COALITION brings the latest developments in molecular microbiology to the attention of cultural heritage end-users and stakeholders. Molecular microbiology is envisaged as an innovative conservation strategy, that minimises sampling and optimises diagnostic studies on microbial contamination of cultural assets, permitting the design of most effective treatments for eliminating active microbial communities and biodeterioration. This approach can be used for testing the efficiency of biocidal and cleaning treatments. COALITION aims to strengthen the interaction between microbiologists, conservators and restorers by promoting collabotarion within different professional bodies. COALITION surveys the requirements of the conservation/restoration community for microbiological diagnostic procedures, evaluating the present state of scientific knowledge concerning molecular techniques, and identifying the critical gaps in knowledge which will require particular attention in the future. COALITION achieves its objectives by organising three thematic workshops. The workshops are bringing together the concerted action members with external experts and independent observers. The specific tasks, concurrent with the workshops, will produce the following deliverables: Generation of an inventory (database) of the micro-organisms associated with the damages to different materials and cultural assets, as revealed by molecular and microbiological techniques. Prime Contractor: Consejo Superior de investigatciones Cientificas, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia; Sevilla.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Konservierungsmittel ? Oldenburg ? Mörtel ? Denkmalpflege ? Baustoff ? Biozid ? Biophysik ? Mikrobiologie ? Biostoff ? Molekularbiologie ? Behörde ? Meeresbiologie ? Konservierung ? Sand ? Europäische Union ? Stand der Technik ? Ökoeffizienz ? Informationsvermittlung ? Innovation ? Interdisziplinarität ? Interessenvertreter ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Kostensenkung ? Schutzmaßnahme ? Umwelttechnik ? Mikroorganismen ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Alternativtechnologie ? Reinigungsmittel ? Baudenkmal ? Bautechnik ? Reinigungsverfahren ? Biologische Behandlung ? EU-Umweltpolitik ? Europa ? Denkmal ? Soziale Aspekte ? Probenahme ? Sanierung ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Verkehr ? Umweltschutz ? Kulturerbe ? Zusammenarbeit ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Gestein ? Denkmalschutz ? Produktdesign ? Workshop ? Untersuchungsprogramm ? Kulturgüterschutz ? Pestizidwirkung ? Molekülstruktur ? Schutzprogramm ? Denkmalschutzorganisation ? Denkmalliste ? Denkmalschaden ?
Region: Niedersachsen
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2000-03-18 - 2003-03-17
Accessed 1 times.