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RESPOND - Emergency response services

Description: Das Projekt "RESPOND - Emergency response services" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Infoterra UK durchgeführt. RESPOND - Emergency response services. The objective of the Emergency Response service is to reinforce Europe's capacity to respond to emergency situations caused by the weather such as storms, fire and floods, geophysical hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides and subsidence, environmental disasters resulting from human activity such as oil spills, and humanitarian disasters. These services provide access to products, including unprocessed satellite imagery, for any geographical area worldwide, pre-disaster reference products covering major crisis areas worldwide and the timely delivery of post-disaster information within 24 hours of an event. Sometimes information is worth their weight more than gold, especially when the border between health and deadly diseases can be redrawn. When in Africa epidemics outbreak, more often than not, there are no useful maps for the support of the health service organizations, let alone, be able to identify environmental factors that influence and cause the diseases. About 500 million people will be infected by Malaria every year; more than 1 million of them die. Young children (less than 5 years old) are more affected by such devastating diseases than other people. Jena-Optronik and its partners started within the ESA founded project EPIDEMIO to use satellite images for the fight against infectious diseases like Malaria, Meningitis, Schistosomiasis or Ebola. Within the GMES Services RESPOND the experiences of EPIDEMIO are used. The objective of JOP part in that project is the development of a method to integrate environmental information, derived from satellite images, into an early warning system for Meningitis and Malaria in Niger.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Gold ? Niger ? Ölpest ? Satellitenbild ? Satellitendaten ? Hochwasser ? Malaria ? Bilharziose ? Kind ? Satellit ? Vulkanismus ? Karte ? Epidemie ? Sturm ? Ebola ? Tsunami ? Erdbebengefährdung ? Feuer ? Ölunfall ? Frühwarnsystem ? Gefahrenabwehr ? Umweltinformation ? Erdrutsch ? Erdbeben ? Infektionskrankheit ? Informationssystem ? Afrika ? Europa ? Satellitenfernerkundung ? Extremwetter ? Hochwassergefahr ? Fernerkundung ? Katastrophenschutz ? Krankheit ? Ökologischer Faktor ? Vorsorgeprinzip ? Wetter ? Gesundheitsvorsorge ? Katastrophe ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-01-01 - 2010-12-31



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