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Weitere experimentelle Untersuchung der Verbrennung in zirkulierenden Wirbelschichten fuer die Anwendung in Dampfkesseln bei der Verwendung von geringwertigen Brennstoffen und Kohle

Description: Das Projekt "Weitere experimentelle Untersuchung der Verbrennung in zirkulierenden Wirbelschichten fuer die Anwendung in Dampfkesseln bei der Verwendung von geringwertigen Brennstoffen und Kohle" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von L. & C. Steinmüller GmbH durchgeführt. General Information: This research project covers the design, construction and operation of a fast external circulating fluidized bed for the combustion of a widely spread fuel range for steam raising. Here the lighter particles are entrained by the air flow through the bed, separated from the air by a cyclone and returned to the fluidized bed. The emphasis in this project is on a low degree of fuel treatment (both small and large pieces can be burnt efficiently so that crushing of the fuel is not needed) and a good burn out which is ensured by longer and more effective mixing in the bed. The system is also characterised by low emission values of noxious pollutants and simple construction. The pilot plant has a capacity of 1 mw, contains desulphurization facilities, produces steam at 450 degrees c and 20 bars and can be fired with coal and low grade fuels. The experimental programme involved the determination of: the heat transfer across the boiler surfaces; the required auxiliary power of the plant; the efficiency; the response rate of load alteration; the behaviour with respect to erosion and to corrosion; and the emissions produced. The enlargement of the cross section of the furnace in the lower part rendered any fuel and additive conditioning unnecessary. Widely different coal grades could be burnt in this system with high efficiency and moderate pollutant emission. Within a period of 768 operating hours, the boiler plant, the primary/secondary air-ratio and the calcium/sulphur ratio were varied. All plant components have given proof of their functional capability. The results also demonstrate that the system was economically attractive.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Festbrennstoff ? Zyklon ? Calcium ? Brennstoff ? Schadstoffgehalt ? Zusatzstoff ? Erosion ? Verbrennungstechnik ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Brennstoffentschwefelung ? Brennstoffkreislauf ? Emissionsdaten ? Kohle ? Luftbewegung ? Partikelgrößenverteilung ? Korrosion ? Brennkammer ? Dampfdruck ? Dampfkessel ? Emissionsminderung ? Energieeinsparung ? Energieverbrauch ? Heizwert ? Korngröße ? Trennverfahren ? Wirbelschichtfeuerung ? Wirkungsgrad ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Ökoeffizienz ? Anlagenbau ? Chemische Reaktion ? Kessel ? Partikel ? Pilotprojekt ? Reaktionskinetik ? Versuchsanlage ? Zirkulation ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Spektrum ? Wärmetransport ? other energy topics ? Brennstoffzusammensetzung ? Großfeuerung ? Brennprozess ? Anlagenbemessung ? Zerkleinerung ? Zirkulierende Flüssigbett-Verbrennung ? renewable sources of energy ? Eignungsfeststellung ? Brennraum ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1981-01-01 - 1984-04-01



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Accessed 1 times.