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B 3.1: Efficient water use of mixed cropping systems in watersheds of Northern Thailand highlands

Description: Das Projekt "B 3.1: Efficient water use of mixed cropping systems in watersheds of Northern Thailand highlands" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt (340i) durchgeführt. Worldwide an important part of agricultural added value is produced under irrigation. By irrigation unproductive areas can be cultivated, additional harvests can be obtained or different crops can be planted. Since its introduction into Northern Thailand lychee has developed as one of the dominating cash crops. Lychee is produced in the hillside areas and has to be irrigated during the dry season, which is the main yield-forming period. Water therefore is mainly taken from sources or streams in the mountain forests. As nowadays all the available resources are being used do to increased production, a further increase in production can only be achieved by increasing the water use efficiency. In recent years, partial root-zone drying has become a well-established irrigation technique in wine growing areas. In a ten to fifteen days rhythm one part of the root system is irrigated while the other dries out and produces abscisic acid (ABA) a drought stress hormone. While the vegetative growth and thus labor for pruning is reduced, the generative growth remains widely unaffected. Thereby water-use efficiency can be increased by more than 40Prozent. In this sub-project the PRD-technique as well as other deficit irrigation strategies shall be applied in lychee and mango orchards and its effects on plant growth and yield shall be analyzed. Especially effects of this water-saving technology on the nutrient balance shall be considered, in order to develop an optimized fertigation strategy with respect to yield and fruit quality. As shown in preliminary studies, the nutrient supply is low in soils and fruit trees in Northern Thailand (e.g. phosphate) and even deficient for both micronutrients boron (B) and zinc (Zn). Additionally, non-adapted supply of nitrogen (mineralization, fertilization) can induce uneven flowering and fruit set. Therefore, improvement is necessary. For a better understanding of possible influence of low B and Zn supply on flowering and fruit set, mobility and retranslocation of both micronutrients shall be investigated for mango and lychee. Finally, the intended system of partial root-zone fertigation (PRF) shall guarantee an even flowering and a better yield formation under improved use of the limited resource water. As this modern technique, which requires a higher level of irrigation-technology, cannot be immediately spread among the farmers in the region, in a parallel approach potential users shall be integrated in a participative process for adaptation and development. Water transport and irrigation shall be considered, as both factors offer a tremendous potential for water saving. Local knowledge shall be integrated in the participatory process (supported by subproject A1.2, Participatory Research) in order to finally offer adapted technologies for application within PRF systems for the different conditions of farmers in the hillsides of Northern Thailand.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Getreide ? Nährstoffhaushalt ? Obstbau ? Phosphat ? Zierpflanze ? Obstwiese ? Bor ? Rohwasser ? Zink ? Flusswasser ? Thailand ? Nicht erneuerbarer Rohstoff ? Ernte ? Fruchtqualität ? Gewährleistung ? Pflanzenbestand ? Rhizosphäre ? Spurenelement ? Stickstoffdüngung ? Stress ? Fertigation ? Nicht erneuerbare Ressource ? Wasserknappheit ? Ackerland ? Bergwald ? Bewässerung ? Düngung ? Hormon ? Mineralisation ? Nährstoffmangel ? Technik ? Trocknung ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Versorgung ? Wassereinsparung ? Wassernutzung ? Säure ? Wasser ? Hochgebirge ? Rohstoffreserve ? Wassereffizienz ? Bildung ? Forschung ? Landwirtschaft ? Beteiligung ? Wasserscheide ? Gebiet ? Globale Aspekte ? Strategische Aspekte ? Effizienzsteigerung ? Ressourceneffizienz ? Produktion ? HOCHLAND ? Verwertung ? Bepflanzung ? DAUER ? EIN ? Wachstum [biologisch] ? Wertschöpfung ? ANWENDER ? PROZESSINTEGRIERT ? SONSTIG ? EINFUEHRUNG ? TEIL ? ZEITRAEUME ? ANGEPASST ? ENTWICKLUNG ? UEBERRESTE ? BESCHNEIDEN ? UNTER ? VERFUEGBAR ? Ertragsbeeinflussung ? FOERDERN ? FORMBLAETTER ? Gewässersystem ? ANGEWANDT ? VERHAELTNIS ? Vermehrung ? NOERDLICH ? POTENZIAL ? WICHTIG ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2003-01-01 - 2006-12-31




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Accessed 1 times.