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Evaluating current European agri-environment schemes to quantify and improve nature conservation efforts in agricultural landscapes (EASY)

Description: Das Projekt "Evaluating current European agri-environment schemes to quantify and improve nature conservation efforts in agricultural landscapes (EASY)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft durchgeführt. Research question: Agri-environment schemes play an increasingly important role in European CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) to support biodiversity and environment in agricultural landscapes. They have been implemented since 1992 and now cost a yearly 1.7 billion Euro. Still, there is no conclusive evidence that these schemes actually do contribute to the conservation of particularly biodiversity. The primary objective of this project is to evaluate the (cost-) effectiveness of European agri-environment schemes in protecting biodiversity and to determine the primary processes that determine their effectiveness. This project furthermore aims to determine how CAP may be introduced in candidate EU-members without unacceptable loss of biodiversity. It will provide simple guidelines how researchers, governmental authorities may efficiently evaluate agri-environmental measures. Aim: Agri-environment schemes have been used to protect biodiversity and environment in agricultural areas since 1992. Their effectiveness has never been reliably evaluated. This project aims to evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness of agri-environment schemes with respect to biodiversity conservation in five European countries. It will determine the proper scales that have to be addressed for conservation efforts for a range of species groups. It will determine the most important environmental factors that influence the effectiveness of the schemes. Based on this, recommendations will be made how the effectiveness of schemes may be improved and simple guidelines will be produced how ecological effects of agri-environment schemes can be evaluated efficiently by governmental authorities or other institutions. The ecological effects of the introduction of CAP in a candidate EU-member will be investigated to reduce negative side effects of anticipated land-use changes Scientific methods: We will examine the effectiveness of agri-environment schemes by surveying pairs of fields: a field with an agri-environment scheme and a nearby field that is conventionally managed. In five countries, in each country in three areas, and in each area on seven pairs of fields the species richness of birds, plants and three insect groups (pollinators, herbivores, predators) will be determined. Effects of schemes on pollination efficiency and pest control will be examined using indicator communities. Correlative studies will examine the effects of landscape structure, land-use intensity and species pool on the effectiveness of agri-environmental measures. The spatial scale that is relevant to nature conservation efforts will be investigated via the spatial distribution of species groups. The results will be used to formulate recommendations how to improve the effectiveness of agri-environment schemes and to construct a set of simple guidelines how schemes can be evaluated efficiently yet reliably.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Insekt ? Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik ? Vogel ? Nebenwirkung ? Bestäubung ? Agrarumweltmaßnahme ? Agrarlandschaft ? Landnutzungsänderung ? Leitfaden ? Teich ? Wirkung ? Konservierung ? Prädator ? Waldfläche ? Biodiversitätsverlust ? Artenbestand ? Artenvielfalt ? Artenzusammensetzung ? Flächennutzung ? Geodäsie ? Landschaftsstruktur ? Schnee ? Studie ? Wirkungsgrad ? Schadorganismus ? Wirkung ? Schutz der Biodiversität ? Biodiversität ? Indikator ? Forschung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Körperschaft ? Landwirtschaft ? Ökologischer Faktor ? Richtlinie ? Umwelt ? Schädlingsbekämpfung ? Naturschutz ? Gebiet ? Kosten ? Politik ? Landwirtschaftliche Fläche ? Kontrolle ? Maßnahme ? Abdeckung ? Wand ? Ergebnis ? Verarbeiten ? Befruchtung, Pflanze ? Werkzeug ? Gemeinschaft ? fördern ? Land ? konventionell ? Lernziel ? sonstig ? wichtig ? Gruppe ? Frage ? Länder ? Methode ? Projekt ? wissenschaftlich ? Art [Spezies] ? ökologisch ? Initiative ? Bezug ? Einführung ? Staatsgewalt ? Empfehlung ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2003-04-01 - 2025-02-04



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Accessed 1 times.