Description: Das Projekt "LEAD-ERA Ecomanindustry: Fostering industrial ecology and eco-efficiency in the manufacturing industry" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Hochschule für Life Sciences, Institut für Ecopreneurship durchgeführt. Present concepts of industrial management are based on a linear value chain of products and services. Input materials such as raw materials, water and energy are transformed into products and by-products but cogenerating significant amount of wastes and polluting emissions. Cleaner production approach, focusing on single process efficiency within companies, and industrial symbiosis approach, focusing on systemic spatial resource efficiency among different companies, are both contributing to reduce the environmental impact of the industrial production. In this context, different tools to optimize industrial management have been developed, but none of them include both approaches. The aim of the present project is to combine both approaches in order to increase the overall resource efficiency of industrial processes within a system of different factories. Overall goal of the program Ecomanindustry: Development of a universal reproducible software based tool called CPIS for decision support integrating the existing experiences and methodologies of Cleaner Production (CP) and Industrial Symbiosis (IS). The CPIS-tool will facilitate inter-industrial assessment and communication for waste avoidance and reuse of materials based on the Software as a Service (SaaS) principles. Specific goals of the swiss partners: FHNW: FHNW will be the coordinator of the overall Project and lead field tests and case studies. FHNW will collect customer feedback on existing software and test user friendly and failure free functionality of a beta version of the developed CPIS-tool in a field test, and proof customer acceptance of the CPIS-tool application in two case studies. UNIL: UNIL will gather and valorize previous research and experiences of existing GIS-based decision support tools for the development of eco-industrial parks, design the concept, functionalities and boundaries of the software-based CPIS-tool, and choose the appropriate technologies to be implemented in the CPIS-tool. SOFIES: SOFIES will build a community of users and service provider, ensure the long term development of the CPIS-tool, promote the dissemination to other countries and elaborate adequate user guide and training to facilitate dissemination.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Rohstoffrückgewinnung ? Landesentwicklung ? Material ? Abfallvermeidung ? Schadstoffbelastung ? Symbiose ? Umweltauswirkung ? Verarbeitende Industrie ? Blei ? Schweiz ? Industriegebiet ? Software ? Bewässerung ? Industrielle Ökologie ? Abfallaufkommen ? Ackerland ? Angepasste Technologie ? Bewertung ? Emission ? Energie ? Fallstudie ? Industrieproduktion ? Management ? Nebenprodukt ? Rohstoff ? Ausbildung ? Wirkungsgrad ? Industrieanlage ? Wasser ? Wirkung ? Ökoeffizienz ? Dienstleistung ? Forschung ? Freilandversuch ? Produkt ? Umwelt ? Planung ? Verkehr ? Gebiet ? Industrielles Verfahren ? Cleaner Production ? Ressourceneffizienz ? GEGENWART ? METHODIK ? PROGRAMMIERUNG ? PROJEKT ? PROVIDER ? BESTEHEND ? SONSTIG ? SPEZIFISCH ? UNTERSUCHUNG ? Vermehrung ? Verwertung ? BEWERTEN ? DAUER ? ENTSCHEIDUNG ? ENTWICKLUNG ? WERT ? GRENZE ? Werkzeug ? FEHLER ? industrial management ? linear value chain ? single process efficiency ? FOERDERN ? systemic spatial resource efficiency ? GRUNDSAETZE ? Angepasste Technik [Technologietransfer] ? FREI ? GRUNDSATZ ? INDUSTRIELL ? ANWENDER ? Akzeptanz ? KONTAMINIEREN ? LAENDER ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? LAND ? Erlass [Recht] ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2012-03-05 - 2015-12-31
Accessed 1 times.