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Identification of opportunities for carbon finance projects in forest-related sectors in Russia

Description: Das Projekt "Identification of opportunities for carbon finance projects in forest-related sectors in Russia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of this assignment is to develop and demonstrate the use of a practical methodology for the identification of viable forest-based project concepts with carbon finance components (RMUs, ERUs and AAUs with Green Investment Schemes) in Russia, and to use this to identify and develop one concrete investment project proposal for financing by EBRD. Services provided: Definition of a methodology for identifying forest-based projects that have the potential for carbon financing. Provision of a business model that would allow EBRD to make an investment, describing the various possible revenue streams from forest-based projects that could lead to a viable project, which may include, inter alia, carbon financing, sale of wood products, and innovative concepts related to the environmental value of forest-based activities (e.g. water, biodiversity). Establishment of a screening procedure for EBRD to use to identify viable forest-based project ideas that have a realistic chance of attracting carbon financing. Using this methodology, the potential for forest-based projects with carbon financing in EBRDs existing project pipelines is assessed. Analysis of EBRD's activities and project portfolio in Russia in order to identify opportunities for using carbon credits (RMUs, ERUs and AAUs with Green Investment Schemes) from forestry projects. Description and analysis of the relevant aspects of the institutional system, key stakeholders and potential clients, including regulatory agencies, forest agencies, climate policy agencies, industry groups, project sponsors and developers, etc. Description per country of the appropriate and detailed way forward in bringing forestry projects to the attention of the government, with a look at obtaining the necessary approvals. Based on this analysis, development of a concrete proposal for a forest-based investment project with a carbon finance component. Assistance to the Banking team with initial project preparation, contribution to a Concept Review Memorandum (CRM) to be drafted by the Banking team, provided that the project is deemed feasible by that team. Preparation of a Project Idea Note (PIN) that can be brought to the attention of the Multilateral Carbon Credit Fund, using a PIN template to be provided by EBRD, which will be used as the basis for a Project Design Document that will be developed by the MCCF Carbon Manager.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Zement ? Beton ? Blattgemüse ? Fluss ? Kohlenstoff ? Blei ? Flusswasser ? Forstindustrie ? Russland ? Nachhaltige Geldanlage ? Behörde ? Kreditinstitut ? Widerspruchsverfahren ? Industrie ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Holzprodukt ? Bewässerung ? Forstprodukt ? Interessenvertreter ? Literaturauswertung ? Literaturstudie ? Rechtsnachfolge ? Stoffgemisch ? Systemanalyse ? Umweltmodell ? Umweltschutzinvestition ? Zulassung ? Wasser ? Klimapolitik ? Rohrfernleitung ? Investition ? Finanzierung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Lebensmittel ? Rohrleitung ? Umwelt ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Wald ? Planung ? Gebiet ? Biodiversität ? Dienstleistung ? GUTSCHRIFT ? BEWERTEN ? GEBRAUCHT ? GRUPPE ? ASPEKT ? BEITRAG ? Kapitalanlage ? LAENDER ? DOKUMENT ? LAND ? EIN ? BESTIMMUNG ? METHODIK ? Ordnungsbehörde ? POTENZIAL ? PROJEKT ? Siebung ? EINSATZ ? VERWANDT ? VORSCHLAEGE ? VORSCHLAG ? ENTWICKLUNG ? WERT ? Überlebensfähigkeit ? BESCHREIBUNG ? BESTANDTEIL ? BESTEHEND ? Erlass [Recht] ?

Region: Hamburg

Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-10-29 - 2009-05-31



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Accessed 1 times.