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Innovation of noise barriers: Improved noise abatement for motorways and railway tracks (CALM TRACKS AND ROUT)

Description: Das Projekt "Innovation of noise barriers: Improved noise abatement for motorways and railway tracks (CALM TRACKS AND ROUT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von CALMA - Tec Lärmschutzsysteme GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The European Parlament and Council has established new standards of tolerance versus traffic noise: reduction of dB(A) to current standards. To meet these improved environmental standards, more effective noise barriers are requested, better noise abatement technologies, new absorptive materials and higher sound screens, eventually tunnels will be necessary. Noise harassment is widely the cause of mental depression and physical exhaustion of people. It is one of the biggest challenge of human sanity in towns and country. Our project is dealing with noise protection walls with improved noise shielding abilities through special shaping and new absorptive qualities of material and construction. Objectives: To achieve essential improvements of the shielding performance, acoustic quality and psycho-acoustic performance and innovative design of noise barriers are objectives of this project. Building up on the so far reached innovation and improved effect, we want to: - Focus on further development of innovative designs, constructions, materials and effects increasing the shielding efficiency of noise barriers. - Study acoustic phenomena of, and inside sound barriers in theory and practical application. - Scientific evidence of the refraction edge performance of different shapes, materials and dimensions: extinction and/or modulation of noise by interference. - Search and evaluate new materials and surfaces (introducing nanotechnology) in their absorbtive or interference behaviour. - Create and evaluate new designs: optical appearance and attractive design - Psycho-acoustic performance: less and friendly noise sensation. - Rigid function within overall road and track design; heavy duty, high durability, climatic resistance, shock resistance and crash performance.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Autobahn ? Verkehrslärmminderung ? Baustoff ? Lärmschutzwall ? Lärmschutzwand ? Schienenverkehrslärm ? Straße ? Werkstoff ? Schall 03 ? Akustik ? Artenverlust ? Schienenweg ? Resistenz ? Tunnel ? Europäischer Rat ? Zollabgabe ? Anfechtung ? Lärmbekämpfung ? Lärmschutz ? Wirkung ? Erschütterung ? Innovation ? Belästigung ? Rechtsverfahren ? Handelsgewerbe ? Hochbau ? Lärm ? Mensch ? Schienenfahrzeug ? Studie ? Technik ? Werkstoffkunde ? Wirkungsgrad ? Stadt ? Umweltstandard ? Wirkung ? Norm ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Planung ? Verkehr ? Neuartige Materialien ? Nanotechnologie ? Effizienzsteigerung ? RASTER ? Theorie ? HINDERNIS ? Verwertung ? Haltbarkeit ? LAENDER ? WISSENSCHAFTLICH ? LAND ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? BESONDER ? Bemessung ? MOEGLICHKEIT ? EIN ? NEU ? ENTWICKLUNG ? FP6-SME ? UMGANG ? OBERFLAECHE ? PROJEKT ? VERHALTEN ? VERRINGERUNG ? ABSTURZ ? VERTIEFUNG ? Scientific Research ? Sieb ? TOLERANZ ? ABSTUERZE ? Vermehrung ? FP7-SME ? FUNKTION ? GROESST ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2005-04-20 - 2007-08-19



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Accessed 1 times.