Description: Das Projekt "Impact of Artificial Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols investigated with a coupled aerosol-chemistry climate model (IASSA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima durchgeführt. BACKGROUND In its report 'Geoengineering the Climate - Science, Governance and Uncertainty' (1 September 2009) the Royal Society states that 'no geoengineering method can provide an easy or readily acceptable solution to the problem of climate change', yet that 'geoengineering methods could potentially be useful in future to augment continuing efforts to mitigate climate change by reducing emissions'. Geoengineering might serve as an 'emergency action' to cool the planet on short time scale, but should not distract from the primary goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Detailed research and analysis will be required before geoengineering methods could become an option, if at all, and this research should not wait until the emergency is unavoidable. The report ranks the increase of Earth's albedo by injection of sulfur containing gases into the stratosphere as promising method. GOAL Substantial improvements in understanding will be required to reduce uncertainties in current modeling approaches to geoengineering. In response to this challenge, we aim here at an accurate assessment of stratospheric aerosol-based geoengineering using a spectral stratospheric aerosol model coupled to an atmosphere-ocean-chemistry-climate model (Aero-AOCCM). By means of results from long-term multiple ensemble runs the following questions will be addressed: -What would be the optimum total mass, altitude, meridional distribution and time sequence of the sulfur containing gas injections? -How do the responses of climate and ozone to the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo compare as natural analog to geoengineering? -What is the importance of the interactive dynamic ocean for the simulations of the climate and ozone response? -Finally, what is the expected efficiency and safety of geoengineering by injection of sulfur containing gases? METHOD To achieve these goals we will apply a novel AOCCM which is coupled to a spectral aerosol model with explicit simulation of sulfate aerosol nucleation, coagulation, growth/evaporaton, sedimentation and removal. Thus, the model applied for this project takes into account the main components of the climate system (atmosphere, clouds, land surface, ocean, sea ice, chemical species, sulfate aerosol) and their interaction. RELEVANCE The application of this advanced model is expected to provide a much improved, objective scientific basis from which the geoengineering scenarios can be assessed. The project results are expected to impact the upcoming IPCC climate change and WMO/UNEP ozone assessments.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Wolkenbildung ? Main ? Bewölkung ? Ozon ? Zürich ? Sulfat ? Organische Schwefelverbindung ? Schwefel ? Szenario ? Aerosol ? Anfechtung ? Schadstoffemission ? Albedo ? Treibhausgasminderung ? Verdunstung ? Verfahrenskombination ? Vulkanismus ? Flockung ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Luftemission ? Meereis ? Schadstoffausbreitung ? Simulation ? Stratosphäre ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Chemikalien ? Emissionsminderung ? Meeresgewässer ? Modellierung ? Klimamodell ? Koagulation ? Klimafolgen ? Klimabericht ? Solares Geoengineering ? Atmosphärischer Prozess ? Atmosphärenchemie ? Schadstoffverhalten ? Sedimentation ? Erdoberfläche ? Klimawandel ? Klimabeeinflussung ? Geoengineering ? Klimasystem ? Atmosphäre ? Ozean ? Mt. Pinatubo ? atmosphere-ocean-chemistry-climate model ? spectral aerosol model ? Aero-AOCCM ? sulfate aerosol nucleation ? Stratosphärisches Aerosol ? Wechselwirkung ? Zeitverlauf ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2010-11-01 - 2013-10-31
Accessed 1 times.